Can load the dataset into Omniverse Isaac Sim?


It is possible to import assets to Isaac Sim.
There is a section about it in the documentation: Importing Assets into Kit

Also, the next example shows how to import and setup the apple form YCB dataset in Isaac Sim.

  1. Unzip and copy the 013_apple folder to Isaac Sim / Nucleus

  2. Select Import on the top-left side of the Content tab and choose the 3D file to be imported (supported formats are: FBX, OBJ, GLTF, and LXO)

  1. Adjust some parameters and press Import. The name wrote bellow Create Folder checkbox will be the name of the exported folder in omni:/Isaac path

  1. Open the created USD asset (omni:/Isaac/apple/textured.usd), select the Root XForm and adjust some visual parameters; like X, Y, Z scale to 100.00 (maybe there are some differences with the scale units between the USD and the OBJ object, I don’t know, just I’m guessing). Note: the F key center the selected object in the viewport

  1. Adjust some physics properties to allow interaction in the simulation. In this previous post there is some discussion about setup the PhysicsAPI , CollisionAPI , MassAPI:mass components. Also, change (or not) the mass and the mesh collision. Then Save/Save As… the changes. Note: to visualize the mesh set the “Show collision shapes” to “Selected” on the PhysX debug windows (Menu: Physics > PhysX Debug Window)

Finally, the next image shows how the imported and configured apple falls into the bin (ur10_bin_filling.usd stage)