Hi, i can´t connect to my localhost:8080 Webbrowser.
ERROR:root:An error has occurred while configuring ports:
Can someone please help ?
Best Regards
Hi, i can´t connect to my localhost:8080 Webbrowser.
ERROR:root:An error has occurred while configuring ports:
Can someone please help ?
Best Regards
Hello! Does restarting the system monitor in the tray fix this issue?
Another possibility could be that for some reason the system monitor tray application stopped. In this case you need to start it again from the collaboration tab in the Omniverse Launcher.
Hey,Thank you for your response.
I did try restarting the system monitor and also reinstall the program with a new account didnt work.
Got it. Can you try this please - close Omniverse Launcher, close System Monitor application (if you have it running in the tray). Hit Ctrl+Esc (task manager) and find any processes starting with “omni” (such as omni-system-monitor) and end them. Then start Omniverse Launcher and try starting Nucleus from collaboration tab again. In case this doesn’t work the next step will be to collect logs, which I can help to do.
Hi.I did try what you said and it didnt work.I dont know if this is important but i did have omniverse before and it did work normally,after formating my pc and reinstalling omniverse i get this problem.I did also try to make a new account and do everything from the beggining,still nothing.
Waiting for your next tipp.
Ok, sorry it didn’t work. I’d like to ask you two things then.
collect logs in .nvidia-omniverse\logs folder. You can zip the entire folder and either attach it here or send it to “dduka at nvidia.com” by email.
Can you go %LOCALAPPDATA%\ov\pkg\nucleus-workstation-2020.3.2-rc.9\System Monitor and try running omni-system-monitor.exe manually from cmd console? Does it startup? A tray icon should appear and in the process tree you should have omni-system-monitor running.
I understand debugging like this through the forum is suboptimal, but unfortunately that’s the best I can offer for now. Hopefully logs from step 1 will be enough for us to get to the bottom of this.
i checked the folders where omniverse is installed and i couldn´t find what you meant on step 1.If you mean the logs folder on the web browser, that one i cant open at all to check.I will attach a screenshot of that.
And step too didnt work either.
Thank you for your support.
Sorry its to big, got to seperate…
%LOCALAPPDATA%ovpkgnucleus-workstation-2020.3.2-rc.9System Monitor_PT1.zip (7.04 MB)
Same issue here from original post.
Thanks for posting your logs, thanks!
There seems to be a problem with one of the configuration files, can you send this one too please - %LOCALAPPDATA%\NVIDIA Corporation\Omniverse\omniverse.toml?
omniverse.toml (39 Bytes)
Thanks! That one looks fine, but according to logs, this one %LOCALAPPDATA%.nvidia-omniverse\config\Cache\ports.toml might be the culprit. Could you please send it as well? Sorry that it takes that many steps to resolve, we’re gathering as much info as we can to make sure this won’t happen in the future.
No Problem…Here is the file requested. Thanks for your Help.
ports.toml (256 Bytes)
Thanks for sharing this! That’s the problematic file. Can you try substituting your version of this file with this one? I hope this resolves the issue. You might need to restart launcher and you definitely need to restart the cache service and the system monitor. The easiest way to do this I think is to follow the flow from my comment above:
“Can you try this please - close Omniverse Launcher, close System Monitor application (if you have it running in the tray). Hit Ctrl+Esc (task manager) and find any processes starting with “omni” (such as omni-system-monitor) and end them. Then start Omniverse Launcher and try starting Nucleus from collaboration tab again”
ports.toml (256 Bytes)
OMG it worked,after almost 1 month trying.Thank you very much,you are the best.
Im so happy its working finally.
Ok, thanks for helping out with this, we’ve gathered some information and hopefully this won’t happen in the future.
Hi, I’ve found the same problem but sadly couldn’t fix it with the above recommendations. I’m running Omniverse on Ubuntu 18.04 with Nvidia Driver 460.67 (the only version I can use Isaac Sim with). I attach all the logs and config files requested before on this discussion. Thank you in advance.
nvidia_omniverse_logs.zip (25.5 MB)
omniverse.toml (1.6 KB)
ports.toml (244 Bytes)