Hi, I’m currently trying to find information on using rect-lights in scenes with reflective surfaces and refractive bodies, specifically how to disable their visibility in reflections and through refractive bodies. In the example below I have rect-lights in both of my windows to push light into the room, however, through the glass door it is plainly visible which is undesirable.
Here’s another example with a mirror in my scene, it’s not visible in the primary ray, coming straight from the window, but is plainly visible in the reflection which is also not a great look for my scene.
Hi Wendy! Thanks for your response. I just wanted to check if this feature has been added in release 2022.1.5, or whether it’s scheduled for the next major release. Thanks!
Hi Wendy! Thanks for your response. I just wanted to check if this feature has been added in release 2022.3.1, or whether it’s scheduled for the next major release. Thanks!
From my usage of create 2022.3.1, this feature is in actually but only works for RTX Real time and RTX Path tracer. Iray always works differently for some reason and is very unstable ,take up too much resource to be really production viable IMO.
Thanks for your response. Could you elaborate on how to enable this feature? I’ve been using the latest version since release and haven’t stumbled upon it. What is it called exactly?