Getting target is not supported in NVIDIA Nsight Systems for TX2

I’m geting target is not supported in NVIDIA Nsight Systems for TX2. Did I install the wrong version of NVIDIA Nsight systems? It doesn’t doesn’t ship with target-linux-armv8.



Could you share the setting of your device and host?
Please remember to use the same JetPack for host and device.



Thank you for your quick reply. I’m trying to connect to the target (TX2 Jetpack 4.3) from a windows host machine. How do I install JetPack on the windows host machine? Following are the configurations I have set in the windows host machine,

Thank you.


Usually, we setup host environment with SDKmanager.
However, SDKmanager doesn’t support Windows environment.

Let us give the Windows nsight system a try and update more information with you later.

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I’m having precisely the same problem, but from a macOS host connecting to an AGX Xavier device. Mojave 10.14.6, if that matters.
Is linux the only supported host?



Thanks for the feedback.

Just confirm with our internal team.
To profiling a Jetson device, the host tool must comes from the same SDKmanager.
In other words, this indicates that only the Nsight System installed by the same JetPack version can profile Jetson device.

So if the Nsight System is download from the web page, ex. for Windows host.
It cannot be used for Jetson remote profiling.


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Thank you for your reply. How do I get the UI version of the Nsight System on tx2? Can I monitor the tx2 on that device itself without using a another host?


SDK Manager is designed to run on an Ubuntu host PC (preferably Ubuntu 18.04 LTS). Flash software and the extra development content for hosts runs on Linux.

VMs tend to have a lot of problems with flash software, but can be made to work for flashing if you have patience and some knowledge of VM setup. Actual cross development on a VM seems to work well and probably the Nsight software for debugging a Jetson would work well from a VM (I won’t guarantee it though). If you plan to do a lot of development, then probably your best bet is to set up for dual boot with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. If you are just doing software development, then a VM might work for you.

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Thank you for your clarification. I’ll try with a Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

Screenshot from 2020-09-23 12-21-39

Facing the same issue.
Host : Ubuntu 18.04

  • tried to install/unistall various versions Nvidia NSight System

Hi srbh1221,

Please help to open a new topic for your issue. Thanks