How to customize scanning area pattern of the Lidar sensor

Hi all!
In order to simulate our sensor, the Scanning Laser Range Finder, we need to establish multiple patterns of ranges on a sensor using x and y coordinates (as shown in the diagram with different colors), we use this pattern to detect if any object is inside this area.According to the current Ridar documentation we found, the range size can be changed by horizontal FOV 、vertical FOV and range. Other APIs are for reading data. We are not sure if the direction we are looking for is correct or if you can provide any instructional materials

my sensor area detection pattern:
other customized patterns example:

this is the Ridar documentation I found
Range Based Sensor Simulation [omni.isaac.range_sensor] — isaac_sim 4.2.0-rc.17 documentation (

It seems you will need a generic range sensor. It doesn’t seem the LiDAR API will let you define a pattern. Alternatively, you may postprocess the LiDAR output to reflect the patterns you need.

Thank you for the information. It seems that the generic range sensor uses horizontal and vertical movements to form a vertical 2D image, whereas I only need a horizontal 2D detection area. As shown in the image below, it looks like a different thing.So the only remaining method is to postprocess the LiDAR output to reflect the patterns?