在iclone USD导入 系统提示:克隆omniverse连接器 需要安装导出美元,但是无法打开网页,是什么意思?解决办法?/
I am not sure sorry. Can you provide some more details. What version of iClone, what connector version of iClone, what you mean by “system prompt”? I do not understand the error message.
我用iclone8.4 USD(Omniverse)导出omniverse时,系统提示:omniverse连接器需要安装导出USD,点击【更多】。但是点击了Linkcount
我又打开omniverse,安装iclone omniverse connector8.3版,但是iclone USD也是系统提示无法连接。我又试一试,打开omniverse,安装iclone omniverse connector8.5时,系统提示:无法兼容。
所以才请教你 ,怎么解决? 谢谢,
The iClone connector is not actually made my us at Nvidia. It is made by iClone and Reallusion themselves. On their website they have only have a version of the connector up to 8.3. I assume that is is compatible with version 8.3 of iClone, not version 8.5. Have you tried installing 8.3 connector with 8.3 of iClone? Not 8.4 or 8.5
我无法打开Resllusion, 用什么加速器?谢谢
I am sorry but I do not know the term “accelerator”. If you do not have Reallusion working then how can you use the connector to Omniverse anyway? You would have to be able to open Reallusion first. You will need to download the full version of Reallusion iClone 8.3 with a valid license, and then Omniverse Launcher with USD Composer 2023.2.5 and then the iClone Omniverse connector 8.3.
Here is the forum for Reallusion. Maybe you could ask there, since they make this plugin themselves New Release: iClone Two-Way Live Sync to NVIDIA Omniverse - Pipeline / Other - Reallusion Forum | Community for iClone, Character Creator & Cartoon Animator
iClone 8.3 has its own facial animation tool, so you may not need Audio2Face. I didn’t know you were trying to use Audio2Face. And why can’t iClone8.3 work with Audio2Face?
It is very hard to know what the issue is without SEEING the actual problem. Why don’t you record a video session of your workflow issues. Show us you trying to start Omniverse Launcher, log in, start iClone, start USD Composer etc. I need to see where you are going wrong. There are too many variables to help you without a good video.
Please do and RECORD all of this in a video so we can see where you are getting stuck:
- Log into Omniverse Launcher
- Log into your localhost Nucleus server
- Make sure you have iClone 8.3 installed
- Make sure you have the iClone 8.3 omniverse connector installed
- Start iClone 8.3
- Open your model
- Export your model using the “Export to USD” in our connector and save it in your localhost nucleus under “Projects”
- Make sure it worked successfully
- Launch USD Composer 2023.2.5 or 106.4
- Open the USD file from your localhost Nucleus
我下载了NVIDIA Audio2 face-for -iclone8.4
但是使用iclone8.3或者8.4也是无法使用?我又换了Omniverse USD Composer2.5也是没有用?
iclone USD(omniverse)系统提示:克隆omniverse连接器需要安装导出USD, Linkcount