IMX477 Module not working after configuring pin headers and/or installing drivers from Arducam

Board: Jetson Nano 4GB

OS: Jetpack4.5-4.6

Camera: Raspberry Pi HQ camera V1.0 with IMX477 sensor

After troubleshooting this camera several times with Jetpack4.5 and Jetpack4.6 I recieve the same kernel logs

[1.733525] imx477 7-001a: tegracam sensor driver:imx477_v2.0.6
[2.033968] imx477 7-001a: imx477_board_setup: error during i2c read probe (-121)
[2.041543] imx477 7-001a: board setup failed
[2.046035] imx477: probe of 7-001a failed with error -121
[2.046531] imx477 8-001a: tegracam sensor driver:imx477_v2.0.6
[2.346950] imx477 8-001a: imx477_board_setup: error during i2c read probe (-121)
[2.354483] imx477 8-001a: board setup failed
[2.358946] imx477: probe of 8-001a failed with error -121e

I have tried the RidgeRun drivers on Jetpack4.5 as described here

Arducams script for installing the driver

And the jetson-io tool for configuring the CSI headers to be IMX477 dual

I have tested the camera on several RPI boards so I’m sure the camera and cable are ok.

Any other suggestions I should try? The IMX477 is used across a variety of our applications and I would very much like to use the Jetson Nano along side it.

hello marko9,

please be aware of this section, Compatibility with NVIDIA®Jetson™ Platforms.
had you remove resistor labeled as R8 from the camera module?

Hi @marko9
It is also possible the patch might have not been correctly applied when following the steps. Did you check all the necessary files were added? Are you using the driver as a kernel module or as built-in?

Embedded SW Engineer at RidgeRun
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