Hi, I have designed a device with Jetson Orin 200T, when I tested it in chamber. I set the chamber stayed at -25℃, and the device in chamber is powered down. After 2~4 hours, when I powered up the device, the device can not run up the system and print some information by debug uart(detail in log txt as appendix). Than I tested other temperature like -23℃ and -22℃, the appearance is the same.
When I set the chamber stayed at -20℃, the device powered up normally. But the operating temperature range is -25℃~80℃ clamed in datasheet.
Whether the Orin supports powering up at -25℃ or what is the accurate minimum operating temperature?
Thanks for replies!
Best Wishes!
Orin error log.txt (14.4 KB)
For the system software, do you use Jetpack 5.1?
Hi, we use Jetpack5.0.2.
What is the difference between Jetpack 5.1 and Jetpack 5.0.2 ?The season is Jetpack 5.0.2 ?
What is 200T? Is it devkit or custom board?
Please always upgrade to latest release for testing. We are not saying jp5.1 will resolve issue.
we use the Jetson AGX Orin 32G module. It is custom board. The file named Orin error log.txt is the Debug uart of Orin printed. All the ICs on the custom board are -40~85℃.
The min spec is -25C at TTP, can you get precise temperature of TTP in chamber when it is set to -25C?
please upgrade to jetpack5.1. We notice some thermal setting in jp5.0.2 is out-of-date.
I set a temperature sensor on TTP, the temperature of TTP in chamber after 3hours is the same as the set.
Can you give me the notice document or web links ?I have searched but found nothing.
I found a appearance that the Orin can not boot when the debug uart print like this:
[0000.685] I> Task: Thermal check (0x5001fba1)
[0000.690] I> max_chip_limit = 115
[0000.693] I> min_chip_limit = -30
[0000.696] I> max temp read = -20
[0000.699] I> min temp read = -32
[0000.702] E> SOC_THERM: Failed to verify temp range.
[0000.707] C> Task 0x0 failed (err: 0x5f5f030b)
[0000.712] E> Top caller module: SOC_THERM, error module: SOC_THERM, reason: 0x0b, aux_info: 0x03
[0000.720] I> Busy Spin
If the “min temp read” in printed log is below -30(min_chip_limit) , the Orin surely don’t boot.
But at the same time, the temperature is only -20℃ which I read the temperature sensor I add on TTP.
What does the “min temp read” mean ?
Please just upgrade your version to rel-35.2.1 first… I don’t know what kind of document you want to check here.
I have upgraded Jetpack5.1,but the test result is the same as before.
The log printed by debug uart is different:
[0000.691] I> max_chip_limit = 105
[0000.694] I> min_chip_limit = -28
[0000.697] I> max temp read = -22
[0000.700] I> min temp read = -34
The difference is the “min_chip_limit” which is changed to -28. The “min_chip_limit” in Jetpack5.0.2 is -30.
But this change can not solve the problem,because the reason is “min temp read” < “min_chip_limit”.
Do you have other solution? Or it is also a thermal setting bug?
Yes, it could be thermal setting bug. Are you sure the thermal chamber on your side is really fixed in -20C?
Also, could you share below register dump after you boot up?
Yes, I am sure. I also add a temperature sensor on Orin, and the sensor showed the temperature is about -22~-20.
Hi @wfshuye
Is there problem reading the register? It would only take you 10 sec to do that. Could you reply?
also want to ask. Could you try different Orin modules and see if all of them hit same error?