The LI-OV10635-GMSL camera has an OV10635 censor + MAX96705 Serializer. Also, I am pretty sure that MAX96705 == MAX9271 from the software point of view because they have the same registers and same pins.
So, the overall system is like this:
OV10635 <—> MAX9271(serializer) <—> MAX9296(deserializer)
I can find MAX9296 linux driver from Jetpack4.3, but I couldn’t find the OV10635 driver nor MAX9271/MAX96705 driver.
Is Nvidia Jetpack currently support LI-OV10635-GMSLcamera?
Where can I get/find the driver for OV10635 and MAX9271 serialier?
I couldn’t find any information for MAX9296 deserialier, is it same as MAX9286 deserializer? same pins and regs?
If we are accessing camera through CSI + GMSL (serialier + deserializer), in side camera driver code, does it need to call serializer and deserializer functions to setup control, streaming, and so on?
I saw inside imx390 driver, it calls max9296 and max9295 functions to do that. But for other driver, e.g. AR0330 driver, it doesn’t do that.
It looks like your drivers works with MAX9286 deserializer.
However, the deserializer board I have is using MAX9296 deserializer.
Will your MAX9286 driver work with MAX9296?
We have had worked with MAX9296 in the past for other cameras, you can get further information if you request a full estimate. You can write to