
Dear all,

I installed ros-kinetic in my pegasus, and now we have a problem.
After the ROS has been installed, the ar0231 camera could not been linked.
Then I add ‘export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH’, we could access the camera(by ./sample_camera_multiple_camera in driveworks/bin).
But when I run recorder-qtgui in driveworks/capture, there is a problem ‘NvMediaEglStreamWrapperInitializeGal: Cannot find function NvEglGetAccess’, so I cannot capture data. recorder is OK, but I want to monitor the camera status by GUI.

What is the problem, or could you please give me a method to install ROS, but other function are also OK.

Thank you all.

Hi sunwen01m

Please refer to below topic if can help:

Dear sunwen01,

Could you please refer to below link to install ROS on DriveAGX?
[url]Autonomous Vehicle Development Platforms | NVIDIA Docs
Although the PDK version is different, the way of installing ROS on DriveAGX is same. Thanks.