Nvidia-430 failed on my GTX1650 dual-graphics card laptop

My laptop is Dell Inspiron 7590 with an NVIDIA graphics card and an Intel graphics card, system is Ubuntu 16.04, kernel is 4.15.10.
I’ve met similar problems about 1 year ago, the link is below:

I haven’t opened my laptop for a month and when I reopened it, it said “The system is running in low-graphics mode”, so I directly reinstalled the nvidia driver. I tried to use the same method as I was told in that post, but when I installed nvidia-430 from ppa, I got nvidia 430.64 and a black screen, with only a flashing underline on the leftup part.
I’ve attached the bug report to this post, please help me! Thank you!
nvidia-bug-report.log (875.2 KB)

Can anybody help me, Please?