Nvmedia error when running lightnet sample with sf3325

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I tried to run DW 2.2 sample with default camera SF3325-100

ERROR is provided when choose --input-type=camera

Max96712 Rev 2 detected!
nvmedia: ERROR: MAX96712CheckLink: Config link(0) is not locked
nvmedia: ERROR: SetConfigLink: Failed to check config link lock 0, err = 1(Operation not permitted)
nvmedia: ERROR: Init: Failed to setup config link

Does it related to the output-format? currently is raw, if so, how to enable ISP usage?

Dear @tingguang.wang1,
Could you share the camera connection details and complete command used to test? By default, lightnet sample assumes the camera is connected to first camera index in port B. Is sample_camera_gmsl working without any issue?

Thanks for the info, I should set camera group to A

In order to have a better detection results, it’s better to use YUV format instead of raw format?
Is it possible to configure in this sample?

Dear @tingguang.wang1,
The DNN models are trained in RAW input data.

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All DNN or just for lightnet model?

@tingguang.wang1 all DNN are trained using SF3324/Sf3325 camera. You can feed raw/h264 video as input to test. Please check each DNN sample in the documentation to know the expected input (/path/to/DRIVE_SW_10.0_References/DRIVE_Software/DRIVE_AV_doxy_files/dwx_samples_section.html#dwx_dnn_samples_group) .

did the sample work with sf3325 camera?

“Raw” here stands for the output image from camera sterilizer or after ISP?

Because I can see color video coming out from SF3325, same as the video sample. Raw image from RCCB camera usually should be green.
However, the traffic light recognition results need to be verified on road test later

Since SIPL interface is also supported in Driveworks, maybe I can try to feed Entron camera by replace the SIPL in lightnet sample? Just want to know the possibility.

Dear @tingguang.wang1,
You can use nvsipl_camera sample with --enableRawOutput -f generate raw video. Please see nvsipl_camera documentation for more details(/path/to/DRIVE_SW_10.0_References/DRIVE_Software/index.html#page/DRIVE_OS_Linux_SDK_Development_Guide/NvMedia/nvmedia_nvsipl_camera.html#wwpID0E0IC0HA) .

ISP output is processed output. RAW is after ICP. But I doubt if the raw video recorded using nvsipl_camera sample works with DW. Please check and confirm it.

But if you use sf3325/3324 cameras, you can get raw/lraw/h264 recorded videos using DW recorder tool and can feed in as input to DNN models.

Hello, please find some feedbacks:

  1. nvispl_camera is only recorded raw frames, no video recording supported
    And those .raw file is in NVIDIA defined format? it can’t open by common tools

  2. If the DW task is feeding with camera raw image, while displayed image is colored, that means ISP is called only for display purpose? Something similar to Tesla HMI?

  3. I am now looking into the DW recorder, it’s basically samples from Driveworks, which means I can only use SF3324/3325 camera by default

Untill now, I can only record Entron camera “RAW” image frames by using NVSIPL_camera, I guess this is the same situation when I later update SW10 to Drive OS 5.2.6.

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