Operating Profiles about Jetson Nano "24 hours/day at 90° C"

I would like a document on the thermal design of jetson nano.
(I have already read "NVIDIA Jetson Nano About “Thermal Design Guide”.)

I looked at the following material, but only represents Jetson TX2i. Is it the same for Jetson Nano?

About TX2i
“24 hours / day at 90 ° C” = “10 years”

The same table is required for Nano.

Hi, that profile is for industrial TX2i module, at present no such profile for commercial Nano module. There will be update if necessary in the future.

Thank you very much. I need the same profile for Nano, but isn’t it going to be announced?

No ETA yet, will announce once available.

Thank you, I want to know when it becomes available.

No ETA yet

Thank you for your answer. I see.