ORIN AGX 64GB Industrial power consumption in each rail

We are designing a custom carrier board based on Orin AGX 64GB industrial SOM, utilizing its 130 TOPS GPU capability. We’re planning to operate in 30W power mode. Is this power mode appropriate for our use case?

For power estimation, what current consumption should we consider for the 12V (HV rail), 5V (MV rail), and 3.3V (SV rail)?The datasheet mentions peak power of 5.4A for VIN (20V) on SYS_VIN_HV and 6.0A for VIN (5V) on SYS_VIN_MV. Are these inrush currents? If so, what is their duration? Please provide:

  1. Typical current consumption values for each rail in 30W mode
  2. Confirmation if 30W mode is suitable for 130 TOPS GPU utilization

Thank you for your expertise

We’re not sure what your use case is, you will need to refer to Jetson Orin Nano Series, Jetson Orin NX Series and Jetson AGX Orin Series — NVIDIA Jetson Linux Developer Guide 1 documentation to set the device in suitable NVPmodel to do the test to know

Suggest yo refer to Power Estimator for more information about estimating the power and generating the nvpmodel configuration file for the custom power mode.

Thank you for your response. I’ve completed the power estimation for the module. However, I need the current consumption for each voltage rail—12V (HV rail), 5V (MV rail), and 3.3V (SV rail)—to finalize the design of the power section. Could you provide this information?

We don’t have such report to provide. Sorry for that.

Can you please help me with this?

Those are max operating current for custom board power rail design.

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