Orin Nano Developer Kit initial setup

  1. Received the Jetson Orin Nano Developer kit.
  2. Looking at the Initial Setup Guide.
  3. In the “microSD-only method” the first step states “Check if Jetson UEFI Firmware
    is newer than version 36.0”. How does one do this? I’ve connected the board to a monitor (DisplayPort from board to USB-C monitor), connected a USB keyboard, connected the power. LED light is green and the fan turns. Monitor is not receiving any signal. This monitor works with every other device I’ve connected to.

I’ve tried inserting an SD card flashed with jp61-rev1-orin-nano-sd-card-image but this does nothing.


Do you have DP-DP cable to cross check whether the UEFI log show?


Not at home no. I can find access elsewhere.

Kinda a shame video out won’t work with common video connections. I actually went and bought a new DisplayPort to USB-C cable…


You could record the serial log for us to review using current DP-USBC cable.


It’s fine. I was able to get it working buying and using a DP to HDMI adapter.
Thanks for the suggestion.

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