Orin NX stuck in recovery mode and not posting

I’m trying to use SDKManager on Ubuntu 20.04 to flash Jetpack 5.1.2 on my custom Orin NX.

After attempting to flash Jetpack 6 and being unsuccessful since my carrier board does not support it, my board has been stuck in recovery mode without even needing the jumper on FC REC (shows on lsusb as NVIDIA Corp. APX). I tried reverting back to 5.1.2 but the recovery mode still persists even after successful flashing.

This is the command I used, with num_sectors properly set in the config xml:

sudo BOARDID=3767 BOARDSKU=0000 FAB=300 ./tools/kernel_flash/l4t_initrd_flash.sh -c tools/kernel_flash/flash_l4t_external.xml -S 200GiB --external-device nvme0n1p1 --external-only jetson-orin-nano-devkit external

It successfully boots only while running the above script. However, the board fails to post on reboot, meaning the boot menu never comes up and I essentially have a dead board. Here is the serial output during the flash process:
putty.log (80.0 KB)

Here are the flash logs from the host:
flash_3-1_0_20240228-142922.log (21.2 KB)

Any help would be appreciated!

So you got nothing from serial console after reboot?

Yes, there’s no output on the serial console after reboot. After the flash command successfully runs and says it’s rebooting, I don’t see any more output on the console and the board does not post

Do you have a DeKit for test?

I only have the custom carrier board, which is the one that doesn’t work

Then maybe you need to review your hardware design to know why it’s always stuck in force recovery mode.

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