Power-On Failure Due to Slow Ramp on Power Supply

I am trying to power the Jetson Nano using a power supply that has a 1-2 second ramp up time on the 5V. I have this connected connected to the DC Barrel Jack.

When I turn on the power supply, the Nano does not turn on (no lights nothing). If I use the button power-on then the Jetson runs fine.

Anyone have an idea of what is going on?

Hi, did you try power supply with no such long ramp up time? What’s jumper (J40) setting? You can check the user guide first. [url]https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/dlc/jetson-nano-dev-kit-user-guide[/url]

Hi, you have figured out the issue already. Generally, the power supply has a delay before rising up 5V. That delay might cause problems to some system. I use a power supply which is connected to the Barrel Jack too, I have to use the power button so as to avoid problems.

Or you can power up the supply first, wait for a few seconds and then plug it into the Barrel Jack.

Long ramp up time will cause the latch circuit setting fail on carrier board, which will cause power on fail.