Hello everyone, I’m new to omniverse I was following the omniverse replicator tutorials so I wanted to run the replicator headlessly (Running Replicator Headlessly — Omniverse Extensions documentation [Running Replicator Headlessly]) from the terminal but I didn’t get any output. I only have warnings without any error.
Kindly check the attached document for more info.
Thank you!
log.txt (32.7 KB)
This is the test.py that I am trying to run. It is the same code from the tutorial.
test.py (1.3 KB)
After a while I got this as output :
[695.594s] Simulation App Startup Complete
Loading Stage /Isaac/Environments/Simple_Warehouse/full_warehouse.usd
2023-02-28 09:39:54 [707,003ms] [Warning] [rtx.neuraylib.plugin] [MDLC:COMPILER] 1.0 MDLC comp warn : omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/2022.2.0/Isaac/Environments/Simple_Warehouse/Materials/MaterialInstanceDynamic_1220.mdl?watch=00007fb076cb9c20(61,8): C181 unused variable ‘Local15’
2023-02-28 09:39:54 [707,006ms] [Warning] [rtx.neuraylib.plugin] [MDLC:COMPILER] 1.0 MDLC comp warn : omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/2022.2.0/Isaac/Environments/Simple_Warehouse/Materials/MaterialInstanceDynamic_1220.mdl?watch=00007fb076cb9c20(61,8): C181 unused variable ‘Local15’
2023-02-28 09:39:54 [707,007ms] [Warning] [rtx.neuraylib.plugin] [MDLC:COMPILER] 1.0 MDLC comp warn : omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/2022.2.0/Isaac/Environments/Simple_Warehouse/Materials/MaterialInstanceDynamic_1220.mdl?watch=00007fb076cb9c20(61,8): C181 unused variable ‘Local15’
2023-02-28 09:39:54 [707,007ms] [Warning] [rtx.neuraylib.plugin] [MDLC:COMPILER] 1.0 MDLC comp warn : omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/2022.2.0/Isaac/Environments/Simple_Warehouse/Materials/MaterialInstanceDynamic_1220.mdl?watch=00007fb076cb9c20(61,8): C181 unused variable ‘Local15’
2023-02-28 09:39:54 [707,007ms] [Warning] [rtx.neuraylib.plugin] Compiler Core: omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/2022.2.0/Isaac/Environments/Simple_Warehouse/Materials/MaterialInstanceDynamic_1220.mdl?watch=00007fb076cb9c20(61,8): C181 unused variable ‘Local15’
2023-02-28 09:39:54 [707,007ms] [Warning] [rtx.neuraylib.plugin] Compiler Core: omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/2022.2.0/Isaac/Environments/Simple_Warehouse/Materials/MaterialInstanceDynamic_1220.mdl?watch=00007fb076cb9c20(61,8): C181 unused variable ‘Local15’
2023-02-28 09:41:59 [832,290ms] [Warning] [gpu.foundation.plugin] Waiting for compilation of ray tracing shaders by GPU driver: 30 seconds so far
2023-02-28 09:42:29 [862,290ms] [Warning] [gpu.foundation.plugin] Waiting for compilation of ray tracing shaders by GPU driver: 60 seconds so far
2023-02-28 09:42:41 [874,860ms] [Warning] [gpu.foundation.plugin] Ray tracing shader compilation finished after 72 seconds
2023-02-28 09:43:03 [896,033ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] PhysicsUSD: Parse collision - triangle mesh collision (approximation None/MeshSimplifixation) without SDF cannot be a part of a dynamic body, falling back to convexHull approximation: /MyScope/SimulatedPallet/SM_PaletteA_01. To enable SDF collisions, sdfResolution should be > 0.
2023-02-28 09:43:03 [896,034ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] PhysicsUSD: Parse collision - triangle mesh collision (approximation None/MeshSimplifixation) without SDF cannot be a part of a dynamic body, falling back to convexHull approximation: /MyScope/SimulatedCardbox_0/SM_CardBoxD_04. To enable SDF collisions, sdfResolution should be > 0.
2023-02-28 09:43:03 [896,034ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] PhysicsUSD: Parse collision - triangle mesh collision (approximation None/MeshSimplifixation) without SDF cannot be a part of a dynamic body, falling back to convexHull approximation: /MyScope/SimulatedCardbox_1/SM_CardBoxD_04. To enable SDF collisions, sdfResolution should be > 0.
2023-02-28 09:43:03 [896,034ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] PhysicsUSD: Parse collision - triangle mesh collision (approximation None/MeshSimplifixation) without SDF cannot be a part of a dynamic body, falling back to convexHull approximation: /MyScope/SimulatedCardbox_2/SM_CardBoxD_04. To enable SDF collisions, sdfResolution should be > 0.
2023-02-28 09:43:03 [896,034ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] PhysicsUSD: Parse collision - triangle mesh collision (approximation None/MeshSimplifixation) without SDF cannot be a part of a dynamic body, falling back to convexHull approximation: /MyScope/SimulatedCardbox_3/SM_CardBoxD_04. To enable SDF collisions, sdfResolution should be > 0.
2023-02-28 09:43:03 [896,034ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] PhysicsUSD: Parse collision - triangle mesh collision (approximation None/MeshSimplifixation) without SDF cannot be a part of a dynamic body, falling back to convexHull approximation: /MyScope/SimulatedCardbox_4/SM_CardBoxD_04. To enable SDF collisions, sdfResolution should be > 0.
2023-02-28 09:43:03 [896,034ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] PhysicsUSD: Parse collision - triangle mesh collision (approximation None/MeshSimplifixation) without SDF cannot be a part of a dynamic body, falling back to convexHull approximation: /MyScope/SimulatedCardbox_5/SM_CardBoxD_04. To enable SDF collisions, sdfResolution should be > 0.
2023-02-28 09:43:03 [896,034ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] PhysicsUSD: Parse collision - triangle mesh collision (approximation None/MeshSimplifixation) without SDF cannot be a part of a dynamic body, falling back to convexHull approximation: /MyScope/SimulatedCardbox_6/SM_CardBoxD_04. To enable SDF collisions, sdfResolution should be > 0.
2023-02-28 09:43:03 [896,034ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] PhysicsUSD: Parse collision - triangle mesh collision (approximation None/MeshSimplifixation) without SDF cannot be a part of a dynamic body, falling back to convexHull approximation: /MyScope/SimulatedCardbox_7/SM_CardBoxD_04. To enable SDF collisions, sdfResolution should be > 0.
2023-02-28 09:43:03 [896,041ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] PhysX warning: TriangleMesh: triangles are too big, reduce their size to increase simulation stability!, FILE /buildAgent/work/f25a4639a4b1bdc1/source/geomutils/src/cooking/GuCookingTriangleMesh.cpp, LINE 202
2023-02-28 09:43:03 [896,055ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] PhysX warning: TriangleMesh: triangles are too big, reduce their size to increase simulation stability!, FILE /buildAgent/work/f25a4639a4b1bdc1/source/geomutils/src/cooking/GuCookingTriangleMesh.cpp, LINE 202
2023-02-28 09:43:03 [896,059ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] PhysX warning: TriangleMesh: triangles are too big, reduce their size to increase simulation stability!, FILE /buildAgent/work/f25a4639a4b1bdc1/source/geomutils/src/cooking/GuCookingTriangleMesh.cpp, LINE 202
2023-02-28 09:43:03 [896,067ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] PhysX warning: TriangleMesh: triangles are too big, reduce their size to increase simulation stability!, FILE /buildAgent/work/f25a4639a4b1bdc1/source/geomutils/src/cooking/GuCookingTriangleMesh.cpp, LINE 202
2023-02-28 09:43:03 [896,126ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] PhysX warning: TriangleMesh: triangles are too big, reduce their size to increase simulation stability!, FILE /buildAgent/work/f25a4639a4b1bdc1/source/geomutils/src/cooking/GuCookingTriangleMesh.cpp, LINE 202
2023-02-28 09:43:03 [896,153ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] PhysX warning: TriangleMesh: triangles are too big, reduce their size to increase simulation stability!, FILE /buildAgent/work/f25a4639a4b1bdc1/source/geomutils/src/cooking/GuCookingTriangleMesh.cpp, LINE 202
2023-02-28 09:43:03 [896,461ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] PhysX warning: TriangleMesh: triangles are too big, reduce their size to increase simulation stability!, FILE /buildAgent/work/f25a4639a4b1bdc1/source/geomutils/src/cooking/GuCookingTriangleMesh.cpp, LINE 202
Simulation stopped after 107 steps
2023-02-28 09:43:41 [934,279ms] [Warning] [carb.flatcache.plugin] UsdRelationship /Replicator/SDGPipeline/OgnGroup_06.inputs:prims has multiple targets, which is not supported
Outputting data to /omniverse/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2022.2.0/_output_headless
2023-02-28 09:43:46 [939,056ms] [Warning] [carb.flatcache.plugin] PathToAttributesMap (0x1f661730) contains attributes with duplicate name “camera” with different types but same per-element size. Data may become corrupted during request to move elements between buckets!
Module omni.replicator.core.ogn.python._impl.nodes.OgnSemanticSegmentation load on device ‘cuda:0’ took 114.85 ms
2023-02-28 09:44:02 [955,875ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] PhysX warning: TriangleMesh: triangles are too big, reduce their size to increase simulation stability!, FILE /buildAgent/work/f25a4639a4b1bdc1/source/geomutils/src/cooking/GuCookingTriangleMesh.cpp, LINE 202
2023-02-28 09:44:06 [958,987ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] PhysX warning: TriangleMesh: triangles are too big, reduce their size to increase simulation stability!, FILE /buildAgent/work/f25a4639a4b1bdc1/source/geomutils/src/cooking/GuCookingTriangleMesh.cpp, LINE 202
2023-02-28 09:44:06 [958,987ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] PhysX warning: TriangleMesh: triangles are too big, reduce their size to increase simulation stability!, FILE /buildAgent/work/f25a4639a4b1bdc1/source/geomutils/src/cooking/GuCookingTriangleMesh.cpp, LINE 202
2023-02-28 09:44:11 [964,602ms] [Warning] [omni.physx.plugin] PhysX warning: TriangleMesh: triangles are too big, reduce their size to increase simulation stability!, FILE /buildAgent/work/f25a4639a4b1bdc1/source/geomutils/src/cooking/GuCookingTriangleMesh.cpp, LINE 202
2023-02-28 09:44:13 [966,558ms] [Warning] [carb] Plugin interface for a client: omni.hydratexture.plugin was already released.
2023-02-28 09:44:13 [966,558ms] [Warning] [carb] Plugin interface for a client: omni.hydratexture.plugin was already released.
[966.600s] Simulation App Shutting Down
Hello @abdel-karim.abdel-karim! I’ve forwarded your post to the dev team for further assistance!
Hi @abdel-karim.abdel-karim! Thanks for reaching out! Try using an absolute path and avoid using spaces in the flag: ./omni.code.sh --no-window --/omni/replicatore/script=/home/<username>/Documents/Tested_functions/test.py
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