Shadow Hand model self collisions


I am trying to use the shadow hand for a project but am having issues with the fingers interpenetrating during the simulation. I have ensured that self collisions are enabled and trialled different simulator settings and debugging with some of the included tools but am not sure what I am missing. I have included a screenshot of the behaviour I am referring to. Could anyone suggest whether this is expected behaviour with this model or parameters to tune to rectify this behaviour?

Hi @jcollins , can you share some code snippets in order to help you solving the issue?

Hi there,

I happen to have a similar issue using the Shadow hand in Omni Isaac Gym. I posted an issue here describing the problem.

If anyone faced the same problem (or similar with another robot) and has some insights about it, I’d be more than happy to read that!

Hi there, contacts in the Shadow Hand model are based on the contact pairs specified in the mujoco file here: IsaacGymEnvs/shared.xml at main · NVIDIA-Omniverse/IsaacGymEnvs · GitHub. Not all geoms in the hand will collide with others.

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Thank you for the answer!

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