SLAMWARE ROS SDK installation on Jetson Xavier AGX

Hello all,

I’m trying to use device called mapper M1M1 from company Slamtec on my Nvidia Jetson Xavier AGX. I’ve installed ROS on my Jetson and then I’ve tried to install SLAMWARE ROS SDK so I can use my mapper with ROS.

But unfortunately during compile stage of this manual Home - SLAMWARE ROS SDK I’ve received error during the last stage which is described in this reddit article .
Does any of you tried to use Mapper or RPLidar from Slamtec on Xavier and encountered the same issue ?
Any help or suggestion would be heplful :)
Thanks a lot.

I don’t have answer for SLAMWARE ROS SDK, for simiar use cases, I will suggest to use Isaac, please refer to NVIDIA Isaac SDK | NVIDIA Developer

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