[support] Jetson nano stuck at Ubuntu Boot after flushing to NVME SSD using SDK Manager


On my “production” vehicle, I use the Orin Nano 4GB with NVME SSD (no SD card slot) on an A603 Carrier.

I use the SDK Manager to flash the Nvidia Ubuntu image on the Orin:

  1. jumper on W7 pin 3-4 (RECOVERY)

  2. Connect Host PC USB to Micro USB (of the A603)

  3. powerup Orin (funny, but the Fan doesn’t work at recovery mode :o )

  4. Category: Jetson, Target (Orin nano 4GB), SDK: Jetpack 6.0(rev.2)

  5. Device: Jetson Orin Nano 4GB (1-8), OEM : Runtime (tried Pre-Config too), Storage: NVMe

  6. wait… till finished

  7. Power-Off Orin, Remove jumper, Power-On Orin

** Ubuntu starts with the “License Agreement” prompt, but not the Keyboard nor Mouse are operational so I can do anything. **

Note: If using OEM: Pre-Config: Ubuntu Login screen shows but inputs are not working.

Some details:

  1. while Orin boot, keyboard is responsive (num-lock light show, and chars are printed on the boot log)
  2. I can’t even enter Setup (Esc) or Boot-Menu (F11)
  3. I don’t actually know if inputs are not working, or the Jetson Halts.
  4. the blue led stops flashing when login screen shows (or slightly beforehand)

I have an Orin Nano 8GB Dev-Kit, and after writing the image on the SD, everything seems to work perfectly.

I didn’t find any information online about this situation, hope any of you wizards have a clue how I can address this issue.

Thanks in advance.

Just to make a summary for what I understand here

  1. This issue is happened on A603 customer board from vendor.

  2. After boot up, USB input cannot work, so cannot operate

  3. Sounds like other peripherals also cannot work so cannot tell whether the board boots up or not?

If the situation is like above, then please try to check the UART console logs and share it here.

Thanks for the replay.

meanwhile I managed to get it working by using the flashing scripts @ GitHub - jetsonhacks/bootFromExternalStorage: Shell scripts to setup a NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier, Xavier NX, AGX Orin, or Orin Nano Developer Kit to boot from external storage.
and it works fine.

I’ll try using the SDK Again and grabbing the logs.

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