Trying to run isaac sim example

Hello Everyone
I have just started exploring isaac sim and I have been trying to run this command
" bazel run apps/navsim/navsim_navigate – --map_json apps/assets/maps/virtual_test_warehouse_1.json "
so i can navigate carter but this error keeps coming out I am using cuda 10.2 and i have linked all my cuda installation to the system using this
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda-10.2/lib64
echo ‘export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda-10.2/lib64’ >> ~/.bashrc

2021-09-06 15:47:24.106 ERROR external/com_nvidia_isaac_engine/engine/alice/backend/modules.cpp@295: packages/perception/ /home/etme/.cache/bazel/_bazel_etme/d4717f25e1b67ab000044f0dbad35b3f/execroot/com_nvidia_isaac_sdk/bazel-out/k8-opt/bin/apps/navsim/navsim_navigate.runfiles/com_nvidia_isaac_sdk//packages/perception/ undefined symbol: IsaacGatherComponentInfo
2021-09-06 15:47:24.106 PANIC external/com_nvidia_isaac_engine/engine/alice/backend/modules.cpp@297: Could not load all required modules for application

| Isaac application terminated unexpectedly |

please try the latest Isaac Sim which is based on Omniverse:
The old Unity-based Isaac Sim will be no longer supported.


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Hello Itorabi

I am already using using Isaac sim Omnivere version as well but i still cant seem to access the data from Karter robot inside Isaac Sim or to control it

I believe you are getting the error on the Isaac SDK side not Isaac Sim

Thanks for your reply

Yes but i belive i need the sdk for to access Isaac Sight through http://localhost:3000 but i dont see how i can do it through Isaac sim built on omniverse

Yes, you need Isaac SDK for Sight. you should be able to connect sight to Isaac SDK, no matter what is your simulator

Thanks for your reply

Yes and thats my problem i cant connect isaac sdk to the isaac omniverse. do you think you can help me?

Have you read this part of the documentation

Yep and it didnt work for me