TX2 for SI Test (HDMI, PCIe, USB, LAN & SATA)

Hi All,

I’m developing TX2 carrier board and we are going to test SI (HDMI, PCIe, USB, LAN & SATA) of our carrier board. I only saw USB2.0 tuning guide document in Nvidia website. Is there any related document or guide to accomplishment this?
Thank you.

The signal integrity is guaranteed if the layout design following product design guide totally. You can find the related requests for each interface in OEM DG doc.

Hi Trumany,

I have followed OEM DG but our customer still wants this SI report. Please help me check.
Many thanks.

No such SI report needed for dev kit as it is verified by NV. For custom carrier board, the SI report is generate by the designer, and if the design totally follows NV’s guide doc, it should be successful.

Hi Trumany,

I’m not asking for SI report but ultilities for TX2 SI test. For example, Phytune is used for Intel x86 SATA SI test, Lanconf for LAN SI test. Is there any this kind of ultility? Or how to test or verify SI (HDMI, PCIe, USB, LAN) on TX2 with my carrier board?

Thank you.

There is a s-parameters package in download center for SI simulation: [url]http://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/dlc/jetson-tx1-sparameter-files[/url]

Hi Trumany,

I need to SI test by scope but simulation. Please let me know if NV don’t have that kind of ultilities so that I can tell the customer.

Thank you.

All we can provide are in download center. No such ultilties by now.