Where is the J48 on my jetson nano board?


I’ve bought the jetson nano B01 Version and now I’m trying to power the board with the Barrel Jack Connector so I can supply 4A @ 5V, which should be plenty for most of my projects. But I have a problem. According with this tutorial :

I should find and install the J48 jumper. The problem is that on my board it is not on the place where it should be (according with the website). Below you can see where it should be :

r/JetsonNano - Where is the J48 on my jetson nano board ?

Instead,below u can see where it is :

r/JetsonNano - Where is the J48 on my jetson nano board ?

the only two pins that I can close with the jumper are the pins of the DC cable (that u see below). Should I detach the red wire rconnector and I should cover those two pins with the yellow jumper that’s inside the box of the nano ? thanks.

r/JetsonNano - Where is the J48 on my jetson nano board ?

What you saw in tutorial is for A02 board not for B01. And yes, it needs a jumper to the J48 as you marked on your own board to power supply from DC only.