I am generating a workflow for a new developer on my project. I have watched videos of all the Omniverse products which seem relevant. But there seem to be overlapping AI extensions in them. I want to make sure I am discussing the most efficient workflow. Would it be possible to voice chat with someone? I am hoping to get these questions answered today. I have been trying for a number of days. I prefer not to put all details of the
Project in the public forum. Thanks very much
Hi there! I assume and hope you got your answer already, but if not please let me know via Discord (my Discord ID is Prof E#2041) and be sure to check out a playlist for workflows:
he / him | LinkedIn | Discord ID: Prof E#2041
Community Engagement for Omniverse: " A New Era of Digital Twins & Virtual Worlds with NVIDIA Omniverse" Video
What is NVIDIA Omniverse? Video | Check out the “Meet the Omnivore” blog series here
PLEASE NOTE: If you are reporting a bug/issue, please provide OS, GPU, GPU Driver, the version of the app, and full log file (if applicable). For crashes, please zip and provide a link to your logs → C:\Users\ [YOUR NAME] \ .nvidia-omniverse\logs