I was trying to update my Jetson AGX Orin to 5.02 and I failed.
That made my device broken.
So I need to reflash my device using SDK manager.
(The host PC is ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS and The Jetpack I’d like to install is latest version.)
I succeeded to reflash my device (I chosed manual setup to put my Jetson target into Force Recovery Mode) but I can’t install SDK components.(The jetson is connected to the host PC thourgh a usb.)
After I set the proxy configuration on the Jetson(Jetson is connected to internet through an ethrnet), I tried the followings.
I slected USB as connection ,put the default IP and I clicked install but the host PC pronpted an error. The message was"Default ip is not available. blur bulr bulr…
I slected USB as connection ,put the Jetson’s IP and I clicked install but the host PC pronpted an error. The message was"Cannot connect to the device via SSH. blur bulr bulr…
I slected Ethernet as connection ,put the Jetson’s IP and I clicked install but the host PC pronpted an error. The message was"Cannot connect to the device via SSH. blur bulr bulr…
If you are able to access the board through SSH you can copy and install the SDK components manually.
On your host PC:
cd ~/Downloads/nvidia/sdk_downloads/
scp *.deb nvidia@$ORIN_IP:~ # If you have .deb from a previous version only copy the latest version from each package
And then when you ssh into the Orin:
sudo apt install *.deb
If this doesn’t work you might be able to get more information about your issue on the Terminal tab when you are trying to copy the components over.
I commanded ssh (username)@(IP) to ssh to Jetson but the host PC prompted “ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out” on the screen.
Both of Jetson and host PC can connect to the internet.
Could you please give me some advice?
If the ping works, the jetson might be missing the OpenSSH-server, you can install it by running:
sudo apt install openssh-server
Another alternative you can look at is using the network created when you connect the microUSB cable (the one used for flashing) between the Jetson and the PC, using this you might be able to connect using the Jetson’s IP.