Is Isaac framework supporting other hardware sensors than ZED/Realsense camera and Velodyne Lidar and IMU model that are stated in the reference robots (i.e. Carter). Would it be possible to use Isaac with for example other type of camera? Would anyone share their experiences on this? As far as I understood - Isaac exclusively supports Jetson computers, but is the situation as strict with sensors?
I am primarily interested whether the new ZED2 camera is known to work with Nvidia Isaac, and the same question for new Realsense camera D435i. Could anyone provide with any insights on compatibility? Carter reference uses ZED camera and Realsense D435. I am wondering whether the new versions of the hardware are supported?
Would at least anyone from Nvidia Isaac SDK team give any hint on whether ZED2 camera would work with Isaac? Is it compatible with ZED2 camera? ZED2 model is substantially upgraded from ZED camera in terms of features and it is important to assess compatibility before making any decisions. Thanks and hope to have some feedback.
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