I’ve tried follow_target_with_rmp.py and follow_target_with_ik.py and find that the converged end effector position has offset with target position. The offset is even more than 1cm, which is not acceptable for position control.
Hi, I think I had encountered something similar before - some parts of Nvidia’s code for Franka seem to be using the right finger as the end effector - is that the same issue?
I think it’ the same problem.
@newuhe Sorry for the slow response. Can you confirm that you’re seeing this for the Franka examples (as opposed to UR10 or DOFBot)?
I’m sure its follow_target_with_rmp.py under omni.isaac.franka. And the end effector position offset is computed using target position and position of “panda_rightfinger”.
@newuhe How are you determining the difference between the converged end effector position and the target position?
RmpFlow and Inverse Kinematics have algorithmically nothing to do with each other, so if they are both bringing the robot the same distance from your target, it sounds like they have a different idea of where the end effector frame is than you do. To check this, you can add the line
to see where RmpFlow thinks the end effector is. In ‘follow_target_with_rmpflow.py’, you will need to access the RmpFlow
class from the RMPFlowController
rmpflow = rmpflow_controller.get_motion_policy()
See the links below for an example code snippet and an explanation of what debugging features RmpFlow has available.
RmpFlow Debugging Features Example Code
RmpFlow Debugging Features
If the visualized end effector target is being brought to the exact position of the target cube, then RmpFlow is working as it should, in that it beings the “panda_rightfinger” frame to the set target position.
I print the target position and the converged end effector position and find that there is offset. In the converged initial configuration, it shows
end position: (array([-0.02573992, 0.13310829, 0.72076553], dtype=float32), array([ 0.02917537, 0.9953671 , -0.02766433, -0.08733831], dtype=float32))
target position: [0. 0.1 0.7]
As shown the offset is still in centimeters.
Here is the script:
from omni.isaac.kit import SimulationApp
simulation_app = SimulationApp({"headless": True})
from omni.isaac.core.utils.extensions import enable_extension
# Default Livestream settings
simulation_app.set_setting("/app/window/drawMouse", True)
simulation_app.set_setting("/app/livestream/proto", "ws")
simulation_app.set_setting("/app/livestream/websocket/framerate_limit", 120)
simulation_app.set_setting("/ngx/enabled", False)
# Note: Only one livestream extension can be enabled at a time
# Enable Native Livestream extension
# Default App: Streaming Client from the Omniverse Launcher
from omni.isaac.franka.tasks import FollowTarget
from omni.isaac.franka.controllers import RMPFlowController
from omni.isaac.core import World
import numpy as np
my_world = World(stage_units_in_meters=1.0)
my_task = FollowTarget(name="follow_target_task")
task_params = my_world.get_task("follow_target_task").get_params()
franka_name = task_params["robot_name"]["value"]
target_name = task_params["target_name"]["value"]
my_franka = my_world.scene.get_object(franka_name)
rmpflow_controller = RMPFlowController(name="target_follower_controller", robot_articulation=my_franka)
#The underlying RmpFlow instance is retrieved from the RMPFlowController
rmpflow = rmpflow_controller.get_motion_policy()
#Set RmpFlow to perform an internal rollout of the robot joint state, ignoring updates from the simulator
#Set RmpFlow to visualize where it believes the robot to be
articulation_controller = my_franka.get_articulation_controller()
bad_proportional_gains = articulation_controller.get_gains()[0]/50
articulation_controller.set_gains(kps = bad_proportional_gains)
while simulation_app.is_running():
if my_world.is_playing():
if my_world.current_time_step_index == 0:
observations = my_world.get_observations()
#This includes an internal call to RmpFlow.update_world()
actions = rmpflow_controller.forward(
#The robot base pose will not be automatically tracked in this example
#But it could be using the rmpflow object.
print("end position:", my_franka.end_effector.get_world_pose())
print("target position:", observations[target_name]["position"])
@newuhe I notice two things from this script
- See the lines
bad_proportional_gains = articulation_controller.get_gains()[0]/50
articulation_controller.set_gains(kps = bad_proportional_gains)
These are intentionally setting the PD gains to incorrect values to facilitate the usage of RmpFlow Debugging Features. You should copy from a different part of the RmpFlow tutorial. Try here: RmpFlow Tutorial Code Snippet
- In the Code Snippet I directed you to, you’ll see that RmpFlow is initialized like so
rmpflow = RmpFlow(
robot_description_path = rmp_config_dir + "/franka/rmpflow/robot_descriptor.yaml",
urdf_path = rmp_config_dir + "/franka/lula_franka_gen.urdf",
rmpflow_config_path = rmp_config_dir + "/franka/rmpflow/franka_rmpflow_common.yaml",
end_effector_frame_name = "right_gripper",
evaluations_per_frame = 5
Notice the line: end_effector_frame_name="right_gripper"
The RmpFlow algorithm uses the Franka’s URDF file as its source of truth, rather than USD. You can set any valid frame in the URDF to be the end effector that RmpFlow should use. The “right_gripper” frame is a frame that we added to the Franka URDF that does not exist on the USD stage. As you have encountered, this can be a little misleading. The line my_franka.get_end_effector
is returning the USD Prim at the path “panda/panda_rightfinger”, which does not exactly match the frame that RmpFlow is using for position control. To get the end effector position that RmpFlow is using, you should use the line:
rmpflow_end_effector_prim = rmpflow.get_end_effector_as_prim()
The rmpflow_end_effector_prim
will then track the position of the end effector over time, which you can query with rmpflow_end_effector_prim.get_world_pose()
One of our goals for the near future is to use USD as the single source of ground truth, which will eliminate this form of inconsistency, but for now, RmpFlow (like other common implementations of manipulation planning and control algorithms) relies on a URDF file.
@newuhe , were the previous comments helped you to resolve the issue?
Thanks for replying and my problem is solved.
How do you resolve the issue?
I am using controller.get_motion_policy().get_end_effector_as_prim().get_world_pose()
There is still a good amount of offset.
I do use controller.get_motion_policy().get_end_effector_as_prim().get_world_pose() and the offset is within 0.1mm now.
can you try this position: np.array([0.5, -0.2, 0.28])
from omni.isaac.kit import SimulationApp
simulation_app = SimulationApp({"headless": False})
from omni.isaac.franka.tasks import FollowTarget
from omni.isaac.franka.controllers import RMPFlowController
from omni.isaac.core.objects import sphere
from omni.isaac.core import World
import numpy as np
target = np.array([0.5, -0.2, 0.28])
my_world = World(stage_units_in_meters=1.0)
my_task = FollowTarget(name="follow_target_task", target_position=target)
task_params = my_world.get_task("follow_target_task").get_params()
franka_name = task_params["robot_name"]["value"]
target_name = task_params["target_name"]["value"]
my_franka = my_world.scene.get_object(franka_name)
rmpflow_controller = RMPFlowController(name="target_follower_controller", robot_articulation=my_franka)
# sphere_obstacle = sphere.FixedSphere("/sphere_obstacle",radius=.03,position=np.array([0.1, 0.0, 0.5]),color=np.array([0.,0.,1.]))
# #Equivalent to rmpflow.add_obstacle(sphere_obstacle) in previous example
# rmpflow_controller.add_obstacle(sphere_obstacle)
articulation_controller = my_franka.get_articulation_controller()
while simulation_app.is_running():
if my_world.is_playing():
if my_world.current_time_step_index == 0:
observations = my_world.get_observations()
#This includes an internal call to RmpFlow.update_world()
actions = rmpflow_controller.forward(
#The robot base pose will not be automatically tracked in this example
ee_pos,R = rmpflow_controller.get_motion_policy().get_end_effector_as_prim().get_world_pose()
print('observations[target_name]["position"]', observations[target_name]["position"])
print('ee_pos', ee_pos)
dist = np.linalg.norm(observations[target_name]["position"]*100 - ee_pos*100)
print('dist', dist)
I use this code. and it seems for non-initial positions, in follow target, the difference is always quite large. 1.7 cms or more. which caused a lot of problems for me.
I also tried other positions, the difference is still quite large around 0.5 cms
I was able to replicate your issue and reduce the error to around .1 mm by adding the line
my_franka = my_world.scene.get_object(franka_name) # This line not new
my_franka.disable_gravity() # This line is new
We tuned the PD gains on the Franka with gravity turned off because the real-world Franka has its own gravity compensation on top of PD control. But this change didn’t make it into the Franka asset. We will be fixing this in our upcoming release. The line ‘my_franka.disable_gravity()’ disables the effects of gravity only on the Franka, leaving the rest of the stage unaffected.
I get this error:
TypeError: get_articulation_body_count(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported:
1. (self: omni.isaac.dynamic_control._dynamic_control.DynamicControl, arg0: int) → int
it’s still problematic for other orientations …
For example the default gripper orientation.
from omni.isaac.kit import SimulationApp
simulation_app = SimulationApp({"headless": False})
from omni.isaac.franka.tasks import FollowTarget
from omni.isaac.motion_generation.lula import RmpFlow
from omni.isaac.motion_generation import ArticulationMotionPolicy
from omni.isaac.core import World
from omni.isaac.core.utils.rotations import euler_angles_to_quat
from omni.isaac.core.utils.extensions import get_extension_path_from_name
import os
import numpy as np
physics_dt = 1/60.
target = np.array([0.21, -0.2, 0.28])
my_world = World(stage_units_in_meters=1.0, physics_dt = physics_dt)
ee_orientations = euler_angles_to_quat(np.array([0, np.pi * 3/4, 0]))
my_task = FollowTarget(name="follow_target_task", target_position=target, target_orientation = ee_orientations)
task_params = my_world.get_task("follow_target_task").get_params()
franka_name = task_params["robot_name"]["value"]
target_name = task_params["target_name"]["value"]
my_franka = my_world.scene.get_object(franka_name)
# RMPflow config files for supported robots are stored in the motion_generation extension under "/motion_policy_configs"
mg_extension_path = get_extension_path_from_name("omni.isaac.motion_generation")
rmp_config_dir = os.path.join(mg_extension_path, "motion_policy_configs")
#Initialize an RmpFlow object
rmpflow = RmpFlow(
robot_description_path = rmp_config_dir + "/franka/rmpflow/robot_descriptor.yaml",
urdf_path = rmp_config_dir + "/franka/lula_franka_gen.urdf",
rmpflow_config_path = rmp_config_dir + "/franka/rmpflow/franka_rmpflow_common.yaml",
end_effector_frame_name = "right_gripper",
evaluations_per_frame = 5
#Use the ArticulationMotionPolicy wrapper object to connect rmpflow to the Franka robot articulation.
articulation_rmpflow = ArticulationMotionPolicy(my_franka,rmpflow,physics_dt)
articulation_controller = my_franka.get_articulation_controller()
while simulation_app.is_running():
if my_world.is_playing():
if my_world.current_time_step_index == 0:
observations = my_world.get_observations()
#Set rmpflow target to be the current position of the target cube.
actions = articulation_rmpflow.get_next_articulation_action()
ee_pos,R = rmpflow.get_end_effector_as_prim().get_world_pose()
print('observations[target_name]["position"]', observations[target_name]["position"])
print('ee_pos', ee_pos)
dist = np.linalg.norm(observations[target_name]["position"]*100 - ee_pos*100)
print('dist', dist)
Can you try this code?
This is actually intended behavior where the Franka will not move any part of itself too close to the base so as to avoid self-collisions. Our current method for avoiding self collision is to specify spheres and cylinders in the robot arm that are not allowed to intersect with each other. See RmpFlow: Avoiding Self-Collision.
This set of parameters is not meant to perfectly preserve the workspace of the robot. Rather, the exact setting is use-case dependent. In the case of the Franka, we chose a particularly conservative set of parameters that keep the arm far from the base, with the use-case in mind that it would not need to manipulate any objects up close.
You can change the self-collision specification yourself if you want to. In the tutorial I linked to above, you can see how you might create your own rmpflow_config.yaml
file for the Franka, replacing the rmpflow_config_path
argument when initializing RmpFlow
. You can start with the template provided at the top of the linked tutorial, or you can start with the file that is pointed to in your script by adding
print(rmp_config_dir + "/franka/rmpflow/franka_rmpflow_common.yaml")
and opening the file at the resulting path. You can save your resulting config file locally (outside the Isaac Sim directory), and just update the path provided in your script.