Flash JetPack3.0 to TX2: Download update lock error

Hi My host is ubuntu16.04, when I run

Creating directory _installer
Verifying archive integrity… All good.
Uncompressing JetPack 100%

A window showing JetPack L4T Component Manager popped up and got stuck. Below showing “Download update lock” and after several seconds just showing “error” (see attached screenshot). Not a single component was shown in the manager.

The host was connected to Internet.

Anyone any advise on this issue? Thank you.

Same issue i am facing. Any solution ?

I am facing the same issue… Is this a location related issue? Since I am in mainland China and from the information on internet, it seems that the resource have been blocked?

Hi yuzhongzhi1994,

We have JetPack 3.2.1 released recently, and it adds HTTPS for China, that should help.


Hi, kayccc, I’m using Jetpack3.1 to download some packages such as tensorrt2.1 and cuda8.0. But it doesn’t work, says ‘downloading update lock’ and then ‘Error’. I have been trying for a few days, and it still fails. So could you share your repository.json downloaded by Jetpack3.1? I’m considering download packages using URL by myself. My email is zhangdongai@baidu.com. Thank you very much!

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Hi dongai.cool,

Please add NV_DEVTOOLS_FORBID_MULTIPLE_DOWNLOAD_THREADS=1 environment variable when running JetPack.
For example: