Flashing fuse burned Jetson AGX Orin on custom carrier board with Jetson Linux 35.5.0

Hello, I’m trying to flash Jetson AGX Orin with burned fuses on a custom carrier board without Secure Boot and mMMC encryption. I replace DevKit board DTS files with my own and use this command to flash:

./flash.sh -u pkc.pem jetson-agx-orin-devkit mmcblk0p1

Flashing process finished successfully with:

[ 750.3738 ] Flashing completed

[ 750.3738 ] Coldbooting the device
[ 750.3745 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --ismb2
[ 750.3749 ] MB2 version 01.00.0000
[ 750.4056 ] Coldbooting the device
[ 750.4067 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --reboot coldboot
[ 750.4071 ] MB2 version 01.00.0000
*** The target t186ref has been flashed successfully. ***
Reset the board to boot from internal eMMC.

And it works on Jetson Linux 35.3.1, but when I do the same for Jetson Linux 35.5.0, board is not working.
Flashing also finished successfully on Jetson Linux 35.5.0, but the board went to the infinity reboot loop.
I got this log by tty: minicom-jetson-orin-35.5.0.log (87.2 KB)

But when I use Jetson AGX Orin with fuses in factory state and flash it with Jetson Linux 35.5.0 on the same custom carrier board, it works. Also, if I install fuse burned Jetson AGX Orin to the DevKit board and revert my changes of DTS, It works on Jetson Linux 35.5.0 too.

At the end, I can make the next table of flashing results:

DevKit (fuses burned) Custom Board (fuses burned) Custom Board (factory fuses)
Jetson Linux 35.3.1 Works Works Works
Jetson Linux 35.5.0 Works Not working Works

Can you help me fix this problem or determine the reason of its occurrence?

Moving to Jetson AGX Orin - NVIDIA Developer Forums for support.

hello yndx-victor-fadeev,

it’s boot into linux kernel.
here’s failure about dce-fabric, re-cap as below…

[   24.593683] CPU:0, Error: dce-fabric@0xde00000, irq=37
[   24.599000] **************************************
[   24.603929] CPU:0, Error:dce-fabric, Errmon:2
[   24.608415] 	  Multiple type of errors reported
[   24.613078] 	  Error Code		: FIREWALL_ERR
[   24.617208] 	  Error Code		: TIMEOUT_ERR
[   24.621240] 	  Overflow		: Multiple FIREWALL_ERR
[   24.625997] 
[   24.627528] 	  Error Code		: TIMEOUT_ERR

did you have any display related changes?
or… what’s the display port difference between developer kit and your custom board?

Yes, my custom board has an HDMI port instead of Display Port, the circuitry is implemented as on the AGX Xavier developer kit.

Did you configure the DCB to enable HDMI already?

I have the next changes in DTS: jetson-orin-hdmi-diff.txt (1.7 KB)

Also, as I described in the topic, if I use a Jetson AGX Orin with factory fuses state with my board, everything works with that DTS.

Did you configure the firewall setting for the HPD pin? Or you are not aware of this?

And what is “that DTS”? The only dts attachment in this topic is not sufficient to configure HDMI mode.

How to configure the firewall setting for the HPD pin?

I have the next files of my board to switch from DP to HDMI:
Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/Orin-jetson_agx_orin-gpio-default.dtsi (2.8 KB)
Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/Orin-jetson_agx_orin-pinmux.dtsi (64.7 KB)
Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/dtb/tegra234-p3701-0004-p3737-0000.dts (428.7 KB) (from DTB)

Let’s change the question to another way. Do you know that you have configure software to enable HDMI mode? If you don’t do that, then default setting is DP mode.

If you ever did that, please tell me what did you do.

Forget about firewall setting, that does not matter now as I realized it seems you did nothing effective yet.


And this is the document for Orin display configuration.

My DTS arc exactly configured by your guide - Orin specific Display Configuration, to switch from DP to HDMI.

  1. Can you check them, I’m not found any mistakes inside them? (from previous message)
  2. What changes should I make to support fuses burned Orin on my custom carrier board?
  3. Is there are another instruction or option for Orin with already burned fuses?
  4. Does switching to JP6 resolve my problem?

We only discuss about one issue in one topic.
If you want to discuss display, please file a new topic and let this one just for fuse.

I rebuilt TOS for full secured flash support by these topics:

After this, I try to flash Orin with burned fuses by default DTS (without switching from DP to HDMI).
The single change that I made is Linux_for_Tegra/p3701.conf.common:

@@ -167,1 +167,1 @@

After flash, my custom board successfully run and show the GUI.
TTY log of the boot: 35.5.0_rebuild_tos_full_secured_one_line_patch.log (80.4 KB)

Then I try to configure DTSI without PCE support:

And I also got successfully flashed Orin with burned fuses, encrypted EKS and Secure Boot.
TTY log of the boot: 35.5.0_rebuild_tos_full_secured_bldr_conf.log (79.8 KB)

But when I use full DTS from my previous message, I still got empty screen and infinity reboot.
TTY log of the boot: 35.5.0_rebuild_tos_full_secured_with_dts.log (82.4 KB)

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue anymore.
Hence, we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.

Is this still an issue to support? Any result can be shared?