How to backup system from nvme then flash to new nvme

Hello all,

Orin nx 16G How do I back up a production image? - Jetson & Embedded Systems / Jetson Orin NX - NVIDIA Developer Forums
We produced the image with backup by following this link.
The specific steps are as follows:

sudo ./tools/backup_restore/ -b -c y-c6-orin-nx-3531

sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --use-backup-image --no-flash --external-device nvme0n1p1 -c ./tools/kernel_flash/flash_l4t_external.xml  -p “-c bootloader/t186ref/cfg/flash_t234_qspi.xml --no-systemimg”  --massflash 5 --showlogs --network usb0 y-c6-orin-nx-3531 nvme0n1p1

 scp mfi_y-c6-orin-nx-3531.tar.gz  plink@

cd  plink@  #This step indicates that subsequent commands are executed on the production host.

tar -xf  mfi_y-c6-orin-nx-3531.tar.gz

cd mfi_y-c6-orin-nx-3531

sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --flash-only --network usb0 --massflash 1 --showlogs

After the preceding command is executed, the flash system succeeds, but the flash system fails to start and access the desktop. Attached is the success log.
flash_1-9_0_20230702-135401.log (8.7 KB)

After this, the system will enter the following interface.

May I ask how to solve this problem?

It needs clarification. At present, we have two products that need batch backup and recovery, one is ORIN NX and the other is Xavier NX. Because the current product is a complete machine, we cannot access the debugging serial port to check the information. Do you have any good suggestions?

Before this, we used the mass and initrd methods to batch brush the default system, but for now we need to use our image.


looks like your system gets stuck in UEFI shell.
Are you able to access UEFI and change the boot order?
(Press ESC when the NVIDIA logo appears.)

We can enter the screen to change the boot order, but after the change, the system will still enter the Shell interface.


現在的情況是你們用的是自己customize過的image,第一次刷進去可以用,但是備份再還原就會卡在UEFI shell?那如果是用default的image也會這樣嗎

這一段的意思是你們的底板上沒有設計debug serial port?因為沒有UART log的話實在很難debug

Now there are two main problems:
The first is that the ORIN NX backup image can not be restored to the new ORIN NX module and SSD, using our own carrier board, only changed the eeprom, the rest did not make any changes, the phenomenon is that after the brush to the new device, it will be stuck in the shell interface.

The second problem is the same operation procedure, operating on the Xavier NX module. The NVME system can be backed up properly. After restoring to the new device, the system does not have jetpack software, but the initial backup system does have jetpack software.

At present, we have two batches of shipments, one is Xavier NX and the other is ORIN NX, so we need such steps. Restore mirrors in batches.

Before, the equipment was installed inside the machine, so the debugging serial port could not be connected. Due to the urgent delivery time, the equipment was removed today and the debugging serial port was connected. The following is the output of the debugging serial port.
putty_c6_orinnx.log (35.7 KB)

Yesterday, I provided a successful mirror recovery log, but judging from the log, the system does not seem to be up.


  1. Orin NX配上custom board,一開始用除了關掉底板的EEPROM、其他都跟default一樣的image可以燒進去,備份也能成功,但是再還原回去就會失敗,開機卡在UEFI shell
  2. 有另一台Xavier NX,原本裝了JetPack SDK,但是備份還原之後JetPack SDK就不見了?(CUDA,TensorRT…)




sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --no-flash --use-backup-image --external-device nvme0n1p1 -p "-c bootloader/t186ref/cfg/flash_l4t_t194_qspi_p3668.xml --no-systemimg" -c ./tools/kernel_flash/flash_l4t_external.xml --massflash 5 --showlogs --network usb0 y-c6-xavier-nx-3271 nvme0n1p1

sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --use-backup-image --no-flash --network usb0 --massflash 5 y-c6-xavier-nx-3271 nvme0n1p1


我不知道你怎麼抓log的,但是反正一般的text editor存檔的時候應該都可以選encoding的格式的,你的log我這邊開起來長這樣






=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2023.07.03 10:43:22 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
  ÿ⍊[0000.064] I> MB1 (version:
[0000.069] I> t234-A01-0-Silicon (0x12347) Prod
[0000.074] I> Boot-mode : Coldboot
[0000.077] I> Emulation: 
[0000.079] I> Entry timestamp: 0x00000000
[0000.083] I> last_boot_error: 0x0
[0000.086] I> BR-BCT: preprod_dev_sign: 0
[0000.090] I> rst_source: 0x0, rst_level: 0x0
[0000.094] I> Task: Bootchain select WAR set (0x5000ba65)
[0000.099] I> Task: Enable SLCG (0x5000bab1)
[0000.103] I> Task: CRC check (0x5001ea19)
[0000.107] I> Task: Initialize MB2 params (0x5000cb51)
[0000.113] I> MB2-params @ 0x40060000
[0000.116] I> Task: Crypto init (0x5001d981)
[0000.120] I> Task: Secure debug controls (0x5000c0a9)
[0000.125] I> Task: strap war set (0x5000ba2d)
[0000.129] I> Task: Initialize SOC Therm (0x5001bd35)
[0000.134] I> Task: Program NV master stream id (0x5000c05d)
[0000.139] I> Task: Verify boot mode (0xd4820f1)
[0000.145] I> Task: Alias fuses (0x5001095d)
[0000.150] W> FUSE_ALIAS: Fuse alias on production fused part is not supported.
[0000.157] I> Task: Print SKU type (0x5000f5f1)
[0000.162] I> FUSE_OPT_CCPLEX_CLUSTER_DISABLE = 0x000001c8
[0000.167] I> FUSE_OPT_GPC_DISABLE = 0x00000001
[0000.171] I> FUSE_OPT_TPC_DISABLE = 0x0000000f
[0000.175] I> FUSE_OPT_DLA_DISABLE = 0x00000002
[0000.180] I> FUSE_OPT_PVA_DISABLE = 0x00000000
[0000.184] I> FUSE_OPT_NVENC_DISABLE = 0x00000000
[0000.188] I> FUSE_OPT_NVDEC_DISABLE = 0x00000000
[0000.193] I> FUSE_OPT_FSI_DISABLE = 0x00000001
[0000.197] I> FUSE_OPT_EMC_DISABLE = 0x0000000c
[0000.210] I> FUSE_OPT_ADC_CAL_FUSE_REV = 0x2
[0000.214] I> FUSE_SKU_INFO_0 = 0xd4
[0000.217] I> FUSE_OPT_SAMPLE_TYPE_0 = 0x3 PS 
[0000.221] I> FUSE_PACKAGE_INFO_0 = 0x2
[0000.225] I> SKU: Prod
[0000.227] I> Task: Boost clocks (0x500148a1)
[0000.231] I> Initializing PLLC2 for AXI_CBB.
[0000.235] I> AXI_CBB : src = 35, divisor = 0
[0000.239] I> Task: Voltage monitor (0x50014b49)
[0000.244] I> VMON: Vmon re-calibration and fine tuning done
[0000.249] I> Task: UPHY init (0x5000d065)
[0000.255] I> HSIO UPHY init done
[0000.258] E> Skipping GBE UPHY config
[0000.262] I> Task: Boot device init (0x50000be9)
[0000.266] I> Boot_device: QSPI_FLASH instance: 0
[0000.271] I> Qspi clock source : pllc_out0
[0000.275] I> QSPI Flash: Macronix 64MB
[0000.279] I> QSPI-0l initialized successfully
[0000.283] I> Task: TSC init (0x50020a4d)
[0000.287] I> Task: Load membct (0x50011fe9)
[0000.291] I> RAM_CODE 0x4000421
[0000.294] I> Loading MEMBCT 
[0000.296] I> Slot: 0
[0000.299] I> Binary[0] block-0 (partition size: 0x40000)
[0000.304] I>  get_binary_info: Binary name: MEM-BCT-0
[0000.309] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0000.312] I> BCH load address is : 0x40050000
[0000.317] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0000.321] I> BCH of MEM-BCT-0 read from storage
[0000.325] I> BCH address is : 0x40050000
[0000.329] I> MEM-BCT-0 header integrity check is success
[0000.334] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is MEM0
[0000.339] I> component binary type is 0
[0000.343] I> MEM-BCT-0 binary is read from storage
[0000.348] I> MEM-BCT-0 binary integrity check is success
[0000.353] I> Binary MEM-BCT-0 loaded successfully at 0x40040000 (0xe580)
[0000.360] I> RAM_CODE 0x4000421
[0000.365] I> RAM_CODE 0x4000421
[0000.369] I> Task: Load Page retirement list (0x500115b1)
[0000.375] I> Task: SDRAM params override (0x50011fc5)
[0000.380] I> Task: Save mem-bct info (0x50014fa1)
[0000.384] I> Task: Carveout allocate (0x50015005)
[0000.389] I> RCM blob carveout will not be allocated
[0000.393] I> ECC region[0]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.398] I> ECC region[1]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.402] I> ECC region[2]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.406] I> ECC region[3]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.410] I> ECC region[4]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.415] I> Non-ECC region[0]: Start:0x80000000, End:0x280000000
[0000.421] I> Non-ECC region[1]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.425] I> Non-ECC region[2]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.430] I> Non-ECC region[3]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.435] I> Non-ECC region[4]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.444] I> allocated(CO:31) base:0x278000000 size:0x8000000 align: 0x8000000
[0000.451] I> allocated(CO:43) base:0x274000000 size:0x4000000 align: 0x200000
[0000.458] I> allocated(CO:20) base:0x272000000 size:0x2000000 align: 0x2000000
[0000.466] I> allocated(CO:24) base:0x270000000 size:0x2000000 align: 0x2000000
[0000.473] I> allocated(CO:28) base:0x26e000000 size:0x2000000 align: 0x2000000
[0000.480] I> allocated(CO:22) base:0x26d000000 size:0x1000000 align: 0x1000000
[0000.487] I> allocated(CO:35) base:0x26c200000 size:0xe00000 align: 0x10000
[0000.494] I> allocated(CO:02) base:0x26b800000 size:0x800000 align: 0x800000
[0000.501] I> allocated(CO:03) base:0x26b000000 size:0x800000 align: 0x800000
[0000.507] I> allocated(CO:06) base:0x26a800000 size:0x800000 align: 0x800000
[0000.514] I> allocated(CO:10) base:0x26a000000 size:0x800000 align: 0x800000
[0000.521] I> allocated(CO:56) base:0x269800000 size:0x800000 align: 0x200000
[0000.528] I> allocated(CO:07) base:0x269400000 size:0x400000 align: 0x400000
[0000.535] I> allocated(CO:33) base:0x269000000 size:0x400000 align: 0x200000
[0000.542] I> allocated(CO:23) base:0x26c000000 size:0x200000 align: 0x200000
[0000.549] I> allocated(CO:01) base:0x268f00000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.556] I> allocated(CO:04) base:0x268e00000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.563] I> allocated(CO:05) base:0x268d00000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.570] I> allocated(CO:08) base:0x268c00000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.577] I> allocated(CO:09) base:0x268b00000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.584] I> allocated(CO:15) base:0x268a00000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.591] I> allocated(CO:17) base:0x268900000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.597] I> allocated(CO:27) base:0x268800000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.604] I> allocated(CO:42) base:0x268700000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.611] I> allocated(CO:54) base:0x268680000 size:0x80000 align: 0x80000
[0000.618] I> allocated(CO:34) base:0x268670000 size:0x10000 align: 0x10000
[0000.625] I> allocated(CO:47) base:0x268200000 size:0x400000 align: 0x200000
[0000.632] I> allocated(CO:72) base:0x268000000 size:0x200000 align: 0x10000
[0000.639] I> allocated(CO:48) base:0x268650000 size:0x20000 align: 0x10000
[0000.645] I> allocated(CO:69) base:0x268630000 size:0x20000 align: 0x10000
[0000.652] I> allocated(CO:49) base:0x268620000 size:0x10000 align: 0x10000
[0000.659] I> allocated(CO:50) base:0x268610000 size:0x10000 align: 0x10000
[0000.665] I> NSDRAM base: 0x80000000, end: 0x268670000
[0000.670] I> Task: Thermal check (0x50021d55)
[0000.675] I> max_chip_limit = 105
[0000.678] I> min_chip_limit = -28
[0000.681] I> max temp read = 33
[0000.684] I> min temp read = 32
[0000.687] I> Task: Update FSI SCR with thermal fuse data (0x50021e61)
[0000.693] I> Task: Enable WDT 5th expiry (0x50021a41)
[0000.698] I> Task: I2C register (0x50000b85)
[0000.702] I> Task: Reset FSI (0x500148b1)
[0000.706] I> Task: Pinmux init (0x5001397d)
[0000.710] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240008
[0000.714] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240000
[0000.718] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240010
[0000.722] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240018
[0000.726] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240020
[0000.730] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240030
[0000.734] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240028
[0000.738] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240038
[0000.742] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240040
[0000.746] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240048
[0000.750] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241000
[0000.754] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241008
[0000.758] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241010
[0000.762] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241018
[0000.765] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241020
[0000.769] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241028
[0000.773] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241030
[0000.777] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241038
[0000.781] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241040
[0000.785] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9242000
[0000.789] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9242008
[0000.793] I> Task: Prod config init (0x50013ddd)
[0000.797] I> Task: Pad voltage init (0x50013a2d)
[0000.802] I> Task: Prod init (0x50013e21)
[0000.806] I> Task: Common rail init (0x50014575)
[0000.810] I> DONE: Thermal config
[0000.814] W> DEVICE_PROD: module = 13, instance = 4 not found in device prod.
[0000.822] I> DONE: SOC rail config
[0000.826] W> PMIC_CONFIG: Rail: MEMIO rail config not found in MB1 BCT.
[0000.833] I> DONE: MEMIO rail config
[0000.837] W> PMIC_CONFIG: Rail: GPU rail info not found in MB1 BCT.
[0000.843] I> DONE: GPU rail info
[0000.847] W> PMIC_CONFIG: Rail: CV rail info not found in MB1 BCT.
[0000.853] I> DONE: CV rail info
[0000.856] I> Task: Mem clock src (0x50011de9)
[0000.860] I> Task: Misc. board config (0x5001461d)
[0000.865] W> PMIC_CONFIG: Platform config not found in MB1 BCT.
[0000.871] I> Task: SDRAM init (0x50011ded)
[0000.875] I> SDRAM-params @ 0xd485000
[0000.878] I> MemoryType: 4 MemBctRevision: 1
[0000.885] I> MSS code-drop: NvBootSdramInit
[0000.889] I> MSS CAR: PLLM/HUB programming for MemoryType: 4 and MemBctRevision: 1
[0000.896] I> MSS CAR: PLLM/HUB programming for MemoryType: 4 and MemBctRevision: 1
[0000.904] I> MSS CAR: Init PLLM
[0000.907] I> MSS CAR: Init PLLHUB
[0000.912] I> Encryption:   MTS: en, TX: en, VPR: en, GSC: en
[0000.923] I> mb1_sdram_init Done !
[0000.926] I> SDRAM Size in Total 0x200000000
[0000.930] I> Task: Dram Ecc scrub (0x500116f5)
[0000.935] I> Task: DRAM alias check (0x50011fbd)
[0000.946] I> Task: Program NSDRAM carveout (0x50015961)
[0000.952] I> NSDRAM carveout encryption is enabled
[0000.957] I> Program NSDRAM carveout
[0000.962] I> Task: Register checker (0x50011fc1)
[0000.969] I> Task: Enable clock-mon (0x50020a35)
[0000.975] I> FMON: Fmon re-programming done
[0000.979] I> Task: Mapper init (0x5001ef4d)
[0000.984] I> Task: SC7 Context Init (0x50020d3d)
[0000.990] I> Task: CCPLEX IST init (0x5000c925)
[0000.996] I> Task: CPU WP0 (0x5000bb15)
[0001.001] I> Loading MCE
[0001.004] I> Slot: 0
[0001.006] I> Binary[8] block-0 (partition size: 0x80000)
[0001.012] I>  get_binary_info: Binary name: MCE
[0001.017] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.022] I> BCH load address is : 0x4003e000
[0001.027] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.032] I> BCH of MCE read from storage
[0001.036] I> BCH address is : 0x4003e000
[0001.041] I> MCE header integrity check is success
[0001.046] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is MTSM
[0001.052] I> component binary type is 8
[0001.056] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.062] I> MCE binary is read from storage
[0001.068] I> MCE binary integrity check is success
[0001.073] I> Binary MCE loaded successfully at 0x40000000 (0x2c880)
[0001.080] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.095] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.099] I> Sending WP0 mailbox command to PSC
[0001.110] I> Task: XUSB Powergate (0x50000b91)
[0001.115] I> Skipping powergate XUSB.
[0001.119] I> Task: MB1 fixed firewalls (0x5002006d)
[0001.130] W> Firewall readback mismatch
[0001.135] W> Firewall readback mismatch
[0001.143] W> Firewall readback mismatch
[0001.153] I> Task: Load bpmp-fw (0x500203c9)
[0001.158] I> Slot: 0
[0001.161] I> Binary[15] block-0 (partition size: 0x180000)
[0001.167] I>  get_binary_info: Binary name: BPMP_FW
[0001.172] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.177] I> BCH load address is : 0x807fe000
[0001.182] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.187] I> BCH of BPMP_FW read from storage
[0001.191] I> BCH address is : 0x807fe000
[0001.197] I> BPMP_FW header integrity check is success
[0001.202] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is BPMF
[0001.207] I> component binary type is 15
[0001.212] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.227] I> BPMP_FW binary is read from storage
[0001.234] I> BPMP_FW binary integrity check is success
[0001.240] I> Binary BPMP_FW loaded successfully at 0x80000000 (0xfddc0)
[0001.248] I> Slot: 0
[0001.250] I> Binary[16] block-10000 (partition size: 0x400000)
[0001.257] I>  get_binary_info: Binary name: BPMP_FW_DTB
[0001.262] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.267] I> BCH load address is : 0x807fc000
[0001.272] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.277] I> BCH of BPMP_FW_DTB read from storage
[0001.282] I> BCH address is : 0x807fc000
[0001.287] I> BPMP_FW_DTB header integrity check is success
[0001.293] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is BPMD
[0001.299] I> component binary type is 16
[0001.303] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.309] I> BPMP_FW_DTB binary is read from storage
[0001.315] I> BPMP_FW_DTB binary integrity check is success
[0001.321] I> Binary BPMP_FW_DTB loaded successfully at 0x807dbff0 (0x1fe80)
[0001.329] I> Task: Load psc-fw (0x50020551)
[0001.335] I> Slot: 0
[0001.337] I> Binary[17] block-0 (partition size: 0xc0000)
[0001.343] I>  get_binary_info: Binary name: PSC_FW
[0001.348] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.353] I> BCH load address is : 0x80ffe000
[0001.358] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.363] I> BCH of PSC_FW read from storage
[0001.368] I> BCH address is : 0x80ffe000
[0001.373] I> PSC_FW header integrity check is success
[0001.378] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is PFWP
[0001.384] I> component binary type is 17
[0001.388] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.396] I> PSC_FW binary is read from storage
[0001.402] I> PSC_FW binary integrity check is success
[0001.408] I> Binary PSC_FW loaded successfully at 0x80000000 (0x59980)
[0001.416] I> Task: Load nvdec-fw (0x500205c5)
[0001.421] I> Slot: 0
[0001.424] I> Binary[7] block-0 (partition size: 0x100000)
[0001.430] I>  get_binary_info: Binary name: NVDEC
[0001.435] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.439] I> BCH load address is : 0x800fe000
[0001.445] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.450] I> BCH of NVDEC read from storage
[0001.454] I> BCH address is : 0x800fe000
[0001.459] I> NVDEC header integrity check is success
[0001.465] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is NDEC
[0001.470] I> component binary type is 7
[0001.474] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.482] I> NVDEC binary is read from storage
[0001.487] I> NVDEC binary integrity check is success
[0001.493] I> Binary NVDEC loaded successfully at 0x80000000 (0x46000)
[0001.500] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.518] I> Task: Load tsec-fw (0x5002097d)
[0001.524] I> TSEC-FW load support not enabled
[0001.528] I> Task: GPIO interrupt map (0x500147b5)
[0001.534] I> Task: SC7 context save (0x50020d79)
[0001.540] I> Slot: 0
[0001.542] I> Binary[27] block-0 (partition size: 0x100000)
[0001.549] I>  get_binary_info: Binary name: BR_BCT
[0001.554] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.558] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.563] I> BR_BCT binary is read from storage
[0001.568] I> BR_BCT binary integrity check is success
[0001.574] I> Binary BR_BCT loaded successfully at 0xa0000000 (0x2000)
[0001.581] I> Slot: 0
[0001.584] I> Binary[13] block-0 (partition size: 0x30000)
[0001.590] I>  get_binary_info: Binary name: SC7-FW
[0001.595] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.599] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.604] I> BCH load address is : 0xa0002000
[0001.609] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.614] I> BCH of SC7-FW read from storage
[0001.619] I> BCH address is : 0xa0002000
[0001.624] I> SC7-FW header integrity check is success
[0001.629] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is WB0B
[0001.635] I> component binary type is 13
[0001.639] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.645] I> SC7-FW binary is read from storage
[0001.651] I> SC7-FW binary integrity check is success
[0001.656] I> Binary SC7-FW loaded successfully at 0xa0004000 (0x26db0)
[0001.664] I> Slot: 0
[0001.666] I> Binary[22] block-0 (partition size: 0x30000)
[0001.672] I>  get_binary_info: Binary name: PSC_RF
[0001.677] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.682] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.687] I> BCH load address is : 0xa002adb0
[0001.692] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.697] I> BCH of PSC_RF read from storage
[0001.701] I> BCH address is : 0xa002adb0
[0001.707] I> PSC_RF header integrity check is success
[0001.712] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is PSCR
[0001.717] I> component binary type is 22
[0001.721] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.727] I> PSC_RF binary is read from storage
[0001.733] I> PSC_RF binary integrity check is success
[0001.738] I> Binary PSC_RF loaded successfully at 0xa002cdb0 (0x1b140)
[0001.761] I> Task: Save WP0 payload to SC7 ctx (0x50021725)
[0001.768] I> Task: Load MB2rf binary to SC7 ctx (0x500216b9)
[0001.774] I> Slot: 0
[0001.777] I> Binary[14] block-0 (partition size: 0x20000)
[0001.783] I>  get_binary_info: Binary name: MB2_RF
[0001.788] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.792] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.797] I> BCH load address is : 0xa00d6a48
[0001.802] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.807] I> BCH of MB2_RF read from storage
[0001.812] I> BCH address is : 0xa00d6a48
[0001.817] I> MB2_RF header integrity check is success
[0001.822] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is MB2R
[0001.828] I> component binary type is 14
[0001.832] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.838] I> MB2_RF binary is read from storage
[0001.843] I> MB2_RF binary integrity check is success
[0001.849] I> Binary MB2_RF loaded successfully at 0xa00d8a48 (0x1bfa0)
[0001.857] I> Task: Save Fuse-Bypass data to SC7 ctx (0x50021621)
[0001.864] W> FUSE_ALIAS: Fuse alias on production fused part is not supported.
[0001.872] I> SC7 context fuse-bypass data is empty
[0001.877] I> Task: Save PMIC data to SC7 ctx (0x5002144d)
[0001.883] I> Task: Save I2C bus freq data to SC7 ctx (0x500213d9)
[0001.890] I> Task: Save SOCTherm data to SC7 ctx (0x50021365)
[0001.897] I> Task: Save FMON data to SC7 ctx (0x500212f1)
[0001.904] I> Task: Save VMON data to SC7 ctx (0x50021279)
[0001.910] I> Task: Save TZDRAM data to SC7 ctx (0x5002178d)
[0001.917] I> Task: Save GPIO int data to SC7 ctx (0x50021561)
[0001.923] I> Task: Save clock data to SC7 ctx (0x50021205)
[0001.930] I> Task: Save debug data to SC7 ctx (0x50021191)
[0001.941] I> SC7 context save done
[0001.945] I> Task: Load MB2/Applet/FSKP (0x5000ca55)
[0001.951] I> Loading MB2
[0001.954] I> Slot: 0
[0001.956] I> Binary[6] block-0 (partition size: 0x80000)
[0001.962] I>  get_binary_info: Binary name: MB2
[0001.967] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.971] I> BCH load address is : 0x8007e000
[0001.977] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.982] I> BCH of MB2 read from storage
[0001.986] I> BCH address is : 0x8007e000
[0001.991] I> MB2 header integrity check is success
[0001.996] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is MB2B
[0002.001] I> component binary type is 6
[0002.006] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0002.015] I> MB2 binary is read from storage
[0002.021] I> MB2 binary integrity check is success
[0002.026] I> Binary MB2 loaded successfully at 0x80000000 (0x68ee0)
[0002.034] I> Task: Map CCPLEX SHARED carveout (0x5000cbf9)
[0002.040] I> Task: Prepare MB2 params (0x5000cca9)
[0002.047] I> BR-BCT Boot Chain Fields
[0002.051] I> 	 u32_non_gpio_select_boot_chain  : 0
[0002.056] I> 	 u32_num_boot_chains             : 2
[0002.061] I> 	 bf_bl_gpio_select_boot_chain_1b : 0
[0002.067] I> Task: Dram ecc test (0x50011791)
[0002.072] I> Task: Misc NV security settings (0x5000c529)
[0002.079] I> NVDEC sticky bits programming done
[0002.084] I> Successfully powergated NVDEC
[0002.088] I> Task: Disable/Reload WDT (0x50021a99)
[0002.094] I> Task: Program misc carveouts (0x50015381)
[0002.100] I> Program IPC carveouts
[0002.107] I> SLCG Global override status := 0x0
[0002.112] I> MB1: MSS reconfig completed
I> MB2 (version:
I> t234-A01-0-Silicon (0x12347)
I> Boot-mode : Coldboot
I> Emulation: 
I> Entry timestamp: 0x0020d203
I> Regular heap: [base:0x40040000, size:0x10000]
I> DMA heap: [base:0x269800000, size:0x800000]
I> Task: ARI update carveout TZDRAM (0x50001e80)
I> Task: Enable hot-plug capability (0x50026c6c)
I> Task: PSC mailbox init (0x50016a7c)
I> Task: Crypto init (0x500065a8)
I> Task: Enable GP-SE clock (0x50001fe4)
I> Task: DICE Identity init (0x50019e50)
I> DICE is not enabled.
I> Task: OEM SC7 context save init (0x50019550)
I> Task: I2C register (0x50001e44)
I> Task: Map CCPLEX_INTERWORLD_SHMEM carveout (0x50001e2c)
I> Task: Program CBB PCIE AMAP regions (0x50019b64)
I> Task: Boot device init (0x50001d74)
I> Boot_device: QSPI_FLASH instance: 0
I> Qspi clock source : pllc_out0
I> QSPI-0l initialized successfully
I> Task: Partition Manager Init (0x50001d70)
I> Found 57 partitions in QSPI_FLASH (instance 0)
I> Task: Load and authenticate registered FWs (0x5001ce48)
I> Task: Load AUXP FWs (0x5002680c)
I> Successfully register SPE FW load task with MB2 loader
I> Skipping SCE FW load
I> Successfully register RCE FW load task with MB2 loader
I> Successfully register DCE FW load task with MB2 loader
I> Unpowergating APE
I> Unpowergate done
I> Successfully register APE FW load task with MB2 loader
I> Skipping FSI FW load
I> Successfully register XUSB FW load task with MB2 loader
I> Partition name: A_spe-fw
I> Size of partition: 589824
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-55040 (partition size: 0x90000), name: A_spe-fw
I> Partition name: A_rce-fw
I> Size of partition: 1048576
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-56192 (partition size: 0x100000), name: A_rce-fw
I> spe: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary spe loaded successfully at 0x268c00000
I> Partition name: A_dce-fw
I> Size of partition: 5242880
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-44800 (partition size: 0x500000), name: A_dce-fw
I> rce: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary rce loaded successfully at 0x268900000
I> dce : oem authentication of header done
I> dce : meta-blob integrity check is success.
I> dce : will be decompressed at 0x272000000
I> version 1 Bin 1 BCheckSum 0 content_size 0 Content ChkSum 1 reserved_00  0
I> Reserved10 0 BlockMaxSize 5 Reserved11 0
I> dce : decompressed to 9445504 bytes
I> dce: plain binary integrity check is success
I> Partition name: A_adsp-fw
I> Size of partition: 2097152
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-58240 (partition size: 0x200000), name: A_adsp-fw
I> dce: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary dce loaded successfully at 0x272000000
I> Partition name: A_xusb-fw
I> Size of partition: 262144
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-9472 (partition size: 0x40000), name: A_xusb-fw
I> ape: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary ape loaded successfully at 0x269400000
I> xusb: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary xusb loaded successfully at 0x268d00000
I> Task: Carveout setup (0x5001f55c)
I> Program remaining OEM carveouts
I> Task: Enable FSITHERM (0x50016950)
I> Task: Enable FSI VMON (0x500164d8)
I> Task: Validate FSI Therm readings (0x50016530)
I> Task: Restore XUSB sec (0x50001d44)
I> Task: Enable FSI SE clock (0x50016ed8)
I> Task: Initialize SBSA UART CAR (0x50001f48)
I> Task: Ratchet update (0x50027d08)
W> OPTIN fuse not set, skip ratchet update
I> Task: Initialize CPUBL Params (0x50017e0c)
I> CPUBL-params @ 0x26e000000
I> Task: Prepare eeprom data (0x50017bd8)
I> Task: FSI padctl context save (0x500196e0)
E> Skipping FSI padctl config save: fsi not enabled
I> Task: Unpowergate APE (0x50017640)
W> mb2_unpowergate_ape: skip! APE is in unpowergated state
I> Task: OEM firewalls (0x5002397c)
I> OEM firewalls configured
I> Task: Powergate APE (0x500177b4)
I> Powergating APE
I> Powergate done
I> Task: OEM firewall restore saved settings (0x50023dd0)
I> Task: Unhalt AUXPs (0x50026a74)
I> Unhalting SPE..
I> Enabling combined UART 
 ÿýÿ೰e: early_init
vic initialized
tsc initialized
aon lic initialized
spe: tag is 243b265b351d6bb9cc7b2e3acc5d90f8
spe: SafeRTOS v8.4
spe: init
scheduler initialized
aon hsp initialized
tag initialized
tcu initialized
bpmp ipc initialized
spe: late init
cpu_nic clock initialized
apb clock initialized
pm initialized
bpmp hsp initialized
top1 hsp initialized
ccplex ipc initialized
spe: start scheduler
ÿ኉> Task: Trigger mailbox for PSC-BL1 exit (0x50016afc)
I> Sending opcode 0x4d420802 to psc
ÿ牎FO: Entering psc_monitor_init!
INFO: GSC22 BOM:0x26d002000 SIZE:0x1000000 CLIENT_ACCESS1:00180000
INFO: PSCFW BUILD VERSION: 8a33b23-73b589c-8a15f76-rel-t234
INFO: mstatus:0xa00000808
INFO: Supervisor entry_point:c108c00
ÿቾ Received ACK from psc
I> Tasÿ牎FO: MONITOR: user task addr:0x26d022000, blob offset:0x00020000
INFO: MONITOR: populated user images:13
INFO: mret to Supervisor!
INFO: psc supervisor init.
INFO: psc_irq_init...
INFO: enter idle task.
ÿ⊢pmp: socket 0
bpmp: base binary md5 is 1377b684fe55be78e1d7fc3e0f143b55
bpmp: combined binary md5 is 463f4d5b75234b74bb7f05b524d2a015
bpmp: firmware tag is 463f4d5b75234b74bb7f-1377b684fe5
initialized vwdt
initialized mail_early
initialized fuse
initialized vfrel
initialized hwwdt
initialized adc
fmon_populate_monitors: found 199 monitors
initialized fmon
initialized mc
initialized reset
initialized uphy_early
initialized emc_early
471 clocks registered
initialized clk_mach
initialized clk_cal_early
initialized clk_mach_early_config
initialized io_dpd
initialized soctherm
initialized tj_init
initialized regime
initialized i2c
vrmon_dt_init: vrmon node not found
vrmon_chk_boot_state: found 0 rail monitors
initialized vrmon
initialized regulator
ÿ᫺ Staÿ⩮itialized avfs_clk_platform
initialized powergate
ÿᲴ secure NOR provision (0xÿ⩮itialized dvs
initialized clk_mach_config
initialized pm
initialized suspend
initialized strap
initialized mce_dbell
I> Task: Load FSI keyblob (0x50016f20)
I> Task: Unhalt AUXPs (0x50026a7c)
I> SCE unhalt skipped
I> Unhalting RCE
I> RCE unhalt successful
I> DCE unhalt successful
I> APE unhalt skipped
I> FSI unhalt skipped
I> Task: Load CPUBL (0x50017f04)
I> Task: Load TOS (0x50018608)
I> Task: Load and authenticate registered FWsÿ⩮itialized emcÿ因    2.481116] Camera-FW on t234-rce-safe started
ÿ⍿唃U early console enaÿ⊩nitialized emc_mrq
initialized clk_cal
initialized ÿ墬ed.
initialized uphy_mrq
HSIO UPHY reset has been de-asserted 0x0
initialized uphy
initialized pg_late
initialized pg_mrq_init
swdtimer_init: 0 reg polling start w period 47 ms
initialized swdtimer
initialized hwwdt_late
initialized bwmgr
initialized thermal_host_trip
initialized thermal_mrq
initialized oc_mrq
initialized reset_mrq
initialized mail_mrq
initialized fmon_mrq
initialized clk_mrq
initialized avfs_mrq
initialized i2c_mrq
initialized tag_mrq
initialized bwmgr_mrq
initialized console_mrq
missing prod DT calibration data for 199 fmons
initialized clk_sync_fmon_post
I> Partition name: A_cpuÿ⩮itialized clk_cal_late
initialized noc_late
initialized cvc
I> Size of partitiÿ⩮itialized avfs_clk_mach_post
initialized avfs_clk_platform_post
initialized cvc_late
initialized rm
initialized console_late
handling unreferenced clks
enable can1_core
enable can1_host
enable can2_core
enable can2_host
enable pwm3
enable mss_encrypt
enable maud
enable pllg_ref
enable dsi_core
enable aza_2xbit
enable xusb_ss
enable xusb_fs
enable xusb_falcon
enable xusb_core_mux
enable dsi_lp
initialized clk_mach_post
initialized pg_post
initialized regulator_post
initialized profile
initialized fuse_late
initialized mrq
initialized patrol_scrubber
initialized cactmon
initialized extras_post
bpmp: init complete
ÿ因    2.602264] Camera-FW on t234-rce-safe ready SHA1=97e50cbf (crt 17.517 ms, total boot 139.727 ms)
ÿᯮ: 3670016
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-24832 (partition size: 0x380000), name: A_cpu-bootloader
ÿ脃E: FW Boot Done
ÿቾ Partition name: A_secure-os
I> Size of partition: 4194304
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-32000 (partition size: 0x400000), name: A_secure-os
I> MB2-params @ 0x40060000
I> cpubl: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary cpubl loaded successfully at 0x268200000
I> tos: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary tos loaded successfully at 0x277dfe000
I> Relocating OP-TEE dtb from: 0x277eff770 to 0x268630000, size: 0x1976
I> [0] START: 0x80000000, SIZE: 0x1e8670000
I> [1] START: 0x26e000000, SIZE: 0x2000000
I> Setting NS memory ranges to OP-TEE dtb finished.
I> Partition name: A_eks
I> Size of partition: 262144
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-44288 (partition size: 0x40000), name: A_eks
I> eks: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary eks loaded successfully at 0x269800200
I> EKB detected (length: 0x410) @ VA:0x269800200
I> Task: Prepare TOS params (0x50018580)
I> Setting EKB blob info to OPTEE dtb finished.
I> Setting OPTEE arg3: 0x268630000
I> Task: OEM SC7 context save (0x500197dc)
I> OEM sc7 context saved
I> Task: Disable MSS perf stats (0x50026b08)
I> Task: Program display sticky bits (0x50026a84)
I> Task: Storage device deinit (0x50001eec)
I> Task: SMMU external bypass disable (0x50016a60)
I> Task: SMMU init (0x5001697c)
I> Task: Program GICv3 registers (0x50026ba8)
I> Task: Audit firewall settings (0x50023bd0)
I> Task: Bootchain failure check (0x50002434)
I> Current Boot-Chain Slot: 0
I> BR-BCT Boot-Chain is 0, and status is 1. Set UPDATE_BRBCT bit to 0
I> MB2 finished

ÿ䎏TICE:  BL31: v2.6(release):07eea4970
NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 07:55:15, Mar 19 2023
I/TC: Non-secure external DT found
I/TC: OP-TEE version: 3.19 (gcc version 9.3.0 (Buildroot 2020.08)) #2 Sun Mar 19 15:02:44 UTC 2023 aarch64
I/TC: WARNING: This OP-TEE configuration might be insecure!
I/TC: WARNING: Please check
I/TC: Primary CPU initializing
I/TC: WARNING: Test OEM keys are being used!
I/TC: This is only for TZ-SE testing and should NOT be used for a shipping product!
I/TC: Primary CPU switching to normal world boot
ÿኊetson UEFI firmware (version 3.1-32827747 built on 2023-03-19T14:56:32+00:00)


Jetson UEFI firmware (version 3.1-32827747 built on 2023-03-19T14:56:32+00:00)
ESC   to enter Setup.
F11   to enter Boot Manager Menu.
Enter to continue boot.
**  WARNING: Test Key is used.  **
  Error: Could not detect network connection.

  Error: Could not detect network connection.

e[2Je[01;01HUEFI Interactive Shell v2.2
UEFI v2.70 (EDK II, 0x00010000)
e[1me[33me[40mMapping tablee[0me[37me[40m
e[1me[33me[40m      FS1:e[0me[37me[40m e[1me[37me[40mAlias(s):e[0me[37me[40mF1:
e[1me[33me[40m      FS0:e[0me[37me[40m e[1me[37me[40mAlias(s):e[0me[37me[40mF0:
e[1me[33me[40m     BLK0:e[0me[37me[40m e[1me[37me[40mAlias(s):e[0me[37me[40m
e[1me[33me[40m     BLK1:e[0me[37me[40m e[1me[37me[40mAlias(s):e[0me[37me[40m
e[1me[33me[40m     BLK7:e[0me[37me[40m e[1me[37me[40mAlias(s):e[0me[37me[40m
e[1me[33me[40m     BLK8:e[0me[37me[40m e[1me[37me[40mAlias(s):e[0me[37me[40m
e[1me[33me[40m     BLK9:e[0me[37me[40m e[1me[37me[40mAlias(s):e[0me[37me[40m
e[1me[33me[40m    BLK10:e[0me[37me[40m e[1me[37me[40mAlias(s):e[0me[37me[40m
e[1me[33me[40m    BLK11:e[0me[37me[40m e[1me[37me[40mAlias(s):e[0me[37me[40m
e[1me[33me[40m    BLK12:e[0me[37me[40m e[1me[37me[40mAlias(s):e[0me[37me[40m
e[1me[33me[40m    BLK13:e[0me[37me[40m e[1me[37me[40mAlias(s):e[0me[37me[40m
e[1me[33me[40m    BLK14:e[0me[37me[40m e[1me[37me[40mAlias(s):e[0me[37me[40m
e[1me[33me[40m     BLK2:e[0me[37me[40m e[1me[37me[40mAlias(s):e[0me[37me[40m
e[1me[33me[40m     BLK3:e[0me[37me[40m e[1me[37me[40mAlias(s):e[0me[37me[40m
e[1me[33me[40m     BLK4:e[0me[37me[40m e[1me[37me[40mAlias(s):e[0me[37me[40m
e[1me[33me[40m     BLK5:e[0me[37me[40m e[1me[37me[40mAlias(s):e[0me[37me[40m
e[1me[33me[40m     BLK6:e[0me[37me[40m e[1me[37me[40mAlias(s):e[0me[37me[40m
Press e[1me[37me[40mESCe[0me[37me[40m in 5 seconds to skip e[1me[33me[40mstartup.nshe[0me[37me[40m or any other key to continue.e[72DPress e[1me[37me[40mESCe[0me[37me[40m in 4 seconds to skip e[1me[33me[40mstartup.nshe[0me[37me[40m or any other key to continue.e[72DPress e[1me[37me[40mESCe[0me[37me[40m in 3 seconds to skip e[1me[33me[40mstartup.nshe[0me[37me[40m or any other key to continue.e[72DPress e[1me[37me[40mESCe[0me[37me[40m in 2 seconds to skip e[1me[33me[40mstartup.nshe[0me[37me[40m or any other key to continue.e[72DPress e[1me[37me[40mESCe[0me[37me[40m in 1 seconds to skip e[1me[33me[40mstartup.nshe[0me[37me[40m or any other key to continue.
e[1me[33me[40mShell> e[0me[37me[40m




有關第一個問題,我重新看了一下flashing log,看起來只有QSPI有刷進去,rootfs沒有。
你可以再重新刷一次、或是檢查一下backup image有沒有問題嗎?



1 Like




新版的L4T加了一個新的-e的選項可以指定要備份的storage device,但是你還在用舊版就要手動改。




sudo ./tools/backup_restore/ -b -c y-c6-xavier-nx-3271



sudo ./tools/kernel_flash/ --use-backup-image --no-flash --network usb0 --massflash 5 y-c6-xavier-nx-3271 nvme0n1p1
