How to install ros2 foxy/humble on Nvidia DRIVE OS 6.0.5

I have installed DRIVE OS 6.0.5 on a ubuntu machine, am using this to compile applications for Nivida Orin Device. Currently, I am creating a ros2 node that runs on Nvidia Orin device. To compile this ros2 node on Drive OS I need ros2 packages. How to install these on Nvidia DRIVE OS 6.0.5.
Please help, I am stuck with this since 2 weeks.

Dear @a.ratnakaram ,
We don’t officially support ros on DRIVE Orin Devkit.

  1. nvidia drive platform and nvidia jetson platform are both based on nvidia L4T(Linux for Tegra) Linux.
  2. L4T Linux is based on Ubuntu, currently drive/jetson orin is based on Ubuntu20.04
  3. In Ubuntu 20.04 you can install ros2 foxy via APT(sudo apt install) Installation — ROS 2 Documentation: Foxy documentation
  4. also you can deploy precompiled ros2 humble from nvidia isaac-ros(which is based on ubuntu20.04) Isaac ROS Dev Base | NVIDIA NGC, as in step 1, the binary is almost compatibel, which means you can run that in drive platform
  5. you can compile the ros2 from src, in orin machine ifself, Ubuntu (source), but the compiling speed should be slow.
  6. you can compile the ros2 from src, in docker container from central server, then distribute the binary to every target machine. the docker container should be a aarch64 docker container based on qemu.