I have installed DRIVE OS 6.0.5 on a ubuntu machine, am using this to compile applications for Nivida Orin Device. Currently, I am creating a ros2 node that runs on Nvidia Orin device. To compile this ros2 node on Drive OS I need ros2 packages. How to install these on Nvidia DRIVE OS 6.0.5.
Please help, I am stuck with this since 2 weeks.
Dear @a.ratnakaram ,
We don’t officially support ros on DRIVE Orin Devkit.
- nvidia drive platform and nvidia jetson platform are both based on nvidia L4T(Linux for Tegra) Linux.
- L4T Linux is based on Ubuntu, currently drive/jetson orin is based on Ubuntu20.04
- In Ubuntu 20.04 you can install ros2 foxy via APT(sudo apt install) Installation — ROS 2 Documentation: Foxy documentation
- also you can deploy precompiled ros2 humble from nvidia isaac-ros(which is based on ubuntu20.04) Isaac ROS Dev Base | NVIDIA NGC, as in step 1, the binary is almost compatibel, which means you can run that in drive platform
- you can compile the ros2 from src, in orin machine ifself, Ubuntu (source), but the compiling speed should be slow.
- you can compile the ros2 from src, in docker container from central server, then distribute the binary to every target machine. the docker container should be a aarch64 docker container based on qemu.