I can not pull drive image

Please provide the following info (tick the boxes after creating this topic):
Software Version
[*] DRIVE OS 6.0.6
DRIVE OS 6.0.5
DRIVE OS 6.0.4 (rev. 1)

Target Operating System
[*] Linux

Hardware Platform
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-D00)
DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (940-63710-0010-C00)
[*] DRIVE AGX Orin Developer Kit (not sure its number)

SDK Manager Version
[*] other

Host Machine Version
native Ubuntu Linux 20.04 Host installed with SDK Manager
[*] native Ubuntu Linux 20.04 Host installed with DRIVE OS Docker Containers
native Ubuntu Linux 18.04 Host installed with DRIVE OS Docker Containers

I can pull drive image before, but today, I can not pull, error msg :
sudo docker run -it --privileged --net=host -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb -v /drive_flashing:/drive_flashing nvcr.io/drive/driveos-sdk/drive-agx-orin-linux-aarch64-sdk-build-x86:latest
[sudo] password for he:
Unable to find image ‘nvcr.io/drive/driveos-sdk/drive-agx-orin-linux-aarch64-sdk-build-x86:latest’ locally
docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for nvcr.io/drive/driveos-sdk/drive-agx-orin-linux-aarch64-sdk-build-x86, repository does not exist or may require ‘docker login’: denied: requested access to the resource is denied.
See ‘docker run --help’.

my acount:

Dear @helianyi,
Could you check setting up docker and cloud access at Set Up Docker and NVIDIA GPU Cloud Access | NVIDIA Docs and see if you can login to nvcr.io

You may want to check if you can still find DRIVE OS Docker Containers under the ‘PRIVATE REGISTRY’ section on the NGC site.

i can login to nvcr,io

dear VickNV:
I can not find DRIVE OS Docker Containers still

Are you follow
Sign in to NVIDIA GPU Cloud carefully? Have you received the NGC activation email and activated it?

dear VickNV:
yes, i Sign in to NVIDIA GPU Cloud at 2022,and activated it.

We’re looking into this issue and I’ll get back to you soon. Thanks.

The issue should be resolved. Please try again. Thanks.

dear VickNV:
This issue is fixed,Thanks.

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