Hi All,
Trying to ascertain what the real end-goal is with Omniverse,
Will this be a full open source project? It feels like this is the near future direction but I could be wrong as there is no GitHub of the source and limited info about it… If it is, I can see this being a very dominate development framework for all things 3D.
Hello nvidia609,
Thank you for the post. I will bring your inquiry to the proper channels for review.
Thank you for your patience.
Any follow-up on this?
any update from the proper channels.
@Cinecells, Honestly, I have no idea what will be outsourced or not. This is something that is still being worked out at a higher level.
You can browse our scripting document here: Kit Programming Manual — kit-sdk 103.1 documentation
Full Documentation is here: https://docs.omniverse.nvidia.com/
I apologize for not being able to give you the most helpful answer, but that’s all the information I have on it at the moment.
I hope that you will watch GTC 2022: #1 AI Conference Keynote on April 12.
Thanks for the reply and sorry if this is impertinent but is there no way to contact “higher levels”?
Perhaps I’m misunderstanding, NVIDIA are asking developers to invest into a closed framework via scripting only with no current plan for accessibility to source or impending costs? or you are asking developers to help debug the framework as you figure out its cost structure?.
Hey @Cinecells. There’s a post asking a similar question with my response here: Will Omniverse stay free to use? - #8 by revl
Omniverse is big and has many components and facets. We want to encourage the community to develop and use Omniverse without concern. Stay tuned for announcements coming soon!
“Free to use” is not at all the same thing as “open source”.
Having seen the license requirements: no, this is not open source. Nor is it free to use: any more than two developers have to pay commercial license fees. It doesn’t even work on non-nvidia GPUs.
So disappointing, as they almost nailed the platform of the future, except for being too greedy and excluding the rest of the IT community. Quite the opposite of a platform “like the web” that they claim.
I go up the topic, because the subject is still interesting. First, why would Nvidia use the GPL? , this company has plenty of time for it. We have to impose this synergy, I don’t want to see omniverse forks flourish, like Debian forks for a yes
or a no. Then the red and blue competitors objectively struggle to make a decent GPU, so make this development platform work: no
Our community is not excluded, but Metavers is new and must be protected. If Nvidia was so bad, why invest in Blender? They can buy back Autodesk, with such expensive and back-end software. No, they invest and push USD, a standard …