My Jetson Nano A02 carrier board broke and I’ve been able to confirm the module itself is working on the replacement B01 development kit I bought. Unfortunately, it’s out of warranty and Nvidia don’t sell the carrier board alone. Third party carrier boards are as expensive as the currently inflated Nano dev kits!
I’ve been searching eBay etc for carrier boards and came across a TX2 development board at a good price. I’ve searched these forums to determine compatibility but the posts I’ve found have every other permutation except Nano module on TX2 carrier board.
So, should this work if I buy it?
Or, any other suggestions for finding a replacement carrier board?!
Thank you.
Here’s what I found earlier:
Nano Module on NX dev kit: – “should work”
Jetson Nano dev board compatibility with TX2 – “This is just not compatible. Even the DC input type is different.” (so I’m less optimistic about my request)
Booting Jetson TX2 on the Nano carrier board - Not turning on – “nothing happens.”
TX2 module on TX1 Development Kit carrier board? – “yes”
Jetson Nano B01 carrier board compatibility with TX2 NX module – “This not compatible”
Can i unplug the Jetson Tx2 module from the developer kit and plug to another carrier board? – “The module is interchangeable with many carrier boards.”
Can it work board from jetson TX1 developer kit with jetson tx2 module? – “The old carrier would not hurt a TX2, but might be missing some optional wiring.”
[I accidentally deleted the post I made earlier when I wanted to edit it]