No activity when powering Jetson AGX Xavier on


I have 4x Jetson AGX Xavier computers which don’t show any activity when connected to a carrier board. I can’t flash them. No output from UART.

1x Jetson AGX Xavier which worked but stopped.

I would like to RMA these computers. Thanks.

Hi aloushkin,

What’s the Jetpack version in use?

Do you have the devkit board instead of the custom carrier board to verify?

Can these 4 AGX Xavier boot/work as expected before?
If so, what did you do on them and they don’t work now?

cat /etc/nv_tegra_release

R32 (release), REVISION: 5.1, GCID: 26202423, BOARD: t186ref, EABI: aarch64, DATE: Fri Feb 19 16:50:29 UTC 2021

We do not have the devkit boards.

The 4x Xaviers were not working brand new out of the box.

1x Xavier worked fine but then just stopped.

For clarity it didn’t happen back to back. We’ve accumulated a number of this failed computers over some time.

We would like to know if the NG module could work on the devkit board or there’s any serial console log could be shared.

How many modules do you have in total and you get these 4 NG modules?

It looks like we have Jetson AGX Xavier developer kit.

  1. S/N: 1650423001484 - the white LED indicator briefly flashes both in power on and recovery mode. With a working Xavier the LED stays ON. No UART output.
  2. S/N: 1651623005847 - the white LED indicator briefly flashes both in power on and recovery mode. With a working Xavier the LED stays ON. No UART output.
  3. S/N: 1423922019000 - the white LED indicator briefly flashes both in power on and recovery mode. With a working Xavier the LED stays ON. No UART output.
  4. S/N: 1423922018472 - the white LED indicator briefly flashes both in power on and recovery mode. With a working Xavier the LED stays ON. No UART output.
  5. S/N: 1562921010319 - powered on connected to the devkit and a custom board. I will try to flash it. Probably it was reported by mistake.

Confirmed 4x Xaviers which will not turn on.

We have bought and used hundreds of these Xavier computers.

Okay, please refer to What if I need an RMA (Return Material Authorization)? for the RMA process since there’s no UART log and they can not work with the devkit.

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