Nova Carter Kinematic issues in IsaacSim 4.0

Hi, please see the attached videos.
Something is wrong with the Nova_Carter_ROS kinematics in the ROS2 examples carter_warehouse_apriltags_worker and carter_warehouse_navigation.

Here is another one showing the Nova_Carter_ROS_perceptor_setup and perceptor_sample_scene


Thank you for your feedback, we are looking into the dynamics of the robot, particularly with the rear swivel. In the meanwhile, you can lower the max angular velocity of the caster swivel link for better control, and also lower the command velocity of the robot.

What values would you suggest?

Ok, I ended up changing the caster_wheel_left and caster_wheel_right Max Angular Velocity to 1000 (from ~5729.58 or something) and its much better.

Where can I lower the command velocity of the robot?