Orin no response after push power button

There’s an error about display.

'DISPLAY' environment variable not set... skipping surface info

Could you see any display output when you capture this log?

Please also help to run the following command to check if it could help

$ export DISPLAY=:0

And I found your rootfs is full, not sure if it could cause any errors.

/dev/mmcblk0p1   57G   56G     0 100% /

I would suggest you to re-flash the devkit.
Please try entering force recovery mode first and flash with manual setup in SDKM.
Could you enter force recovery mode with the following steps?
Jetson AGX Orin can't turn into force recovery mode - #5 by WayneWWW
You could check with lsusb command on your host PC.
To Determine Whether the Developer Kit Is in Force Recovery Mode

Are you using Ubuntu18.04 as your host PC?