Pathnet detection option

Our pathnet often sees a path in the grass border of a road, which we would like to prevent.
Is there any option we can utilize which would make Pathnet not detect this, or only detect paved roads, and not see off-road paths?

When possible, please provide the following info:
Hardware Platform: [Example: DRIVE AGX Xavier™ Developer Kit, DRIVE AGX Pegasus™ Developer Kit]
Software Version: [Example: DRIVE Software 10, DRIVE Software 9]
Host Machine Version: [Example: native Ubuntu 18.04]
SDK Manager Version: [Example:]

Dear @Clennartz,
Could you share the sample video to reproduce the issue. You can check varying other command line parameters(like detectionThreshold, lookAheadDistance etc) to see if it improves(Please see file:///usr/local/driveworks-2.2/doc/nvsdk_html/dwx_path_perception_sample.html)