Please provide the following info (check/uncheck the boxes after creating this topic): Software Version
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.6
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.6 and DriveWorks 4.0
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.0
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.0 and DriveWorks 3.5
[**] NVIDIA DRIVE™ Software 10.0 (Linux)
NVIDIA DRIVE™ Software 9.0 (Linux)
other DRIVE OS version
Host Machine Version
[**] native Ubuntu 18.04
I am using the nvsipl_camera sample as a starting point and my goal is to output individual frames in RGB format. I know the sample already allows me to output to a directory if I use the -f option and --enableRawOutput but the frames are in .raw format. Is there a way to output the frames in RGB format?
Hey @VickNV,
Thank you so much for taking the time to help me!!
I do not see the AllocateAndRegisterBuffers() in the CNvSIPLMaster.hpp. Do I write that function or should it have been part of the CNvSIPLMaster.hpp?
Hey @VickNV ,
I noticed the reference you gave me was for DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.6. I have DRIVE OS Linux 5.1.6 .1. Is There a way to save individual frames in RGB format to a file? using nvsipl_camera as a starting point on DRIVE OS Linux 5.1.6 .1 ? If so, can you please point me in the right direction.