I am facing a series of problem in the process of installation and flashing to my jetson tx2 before flashing we need to install sdk components such as computer vision , cuda, NVIDIA drivers etc after that we come to flashing process, but in my case my host system is not able to install all the components it gets request error and connection refused and then all the dependencies of that package doesn’t get installed . I have tried with different host systems and someone else’s nvidia id for confirmation if its a local system problem but that also raises the same set of problems/errors I am stuck on it since past 3-4 days any help is much appreciated . What i think is a server error , I am sharing some of the errors which will give you idea of the set of problems that I am facing They are given below, kindly have a look at it.
NVIDIA Nsight Graphics: DevZone get download url failed: RequestError: connect ECONNREFUSED
VisionWorks on Host: Download ‘VisionWorks on Host’ failure
SUMMARY: VisionWorks on Host: Failed to preprocess devzone url.
VPI on Host: Download ‘VPI on Host’ failure
CUDA Toolkit for L4T: Download ‘CUDA Toolkit for L4T’ failure
cuDNN on Target: Download ‘cuDNN on Target’ failure
OpenCV on Target: Head request failed on host: ECONNREFUSED. Error: connect ECONNREFUSED