Hello, I have a vehicle that drives on an environment in isaac sim. After a certain period of traversing normally, it randomly appears to get “stuck” where the wheels are turning, with nothing in its path (checked and viewed mesh of entire world), but it does not move. The ground has a physics property applied giving it dynamic friction, and currently has a triangle mesh (have tried SDF as well), while the vehicle wheels currently have bounding sphere colliders (have tried triangle as well). The wheels are set up with revolute joints, and control is administed through setting the “target velocity” of the revolute joints. When the vehicle appears to get stuck, these are non-zero numbers implying it is still trying to move forward. Please let me know if you have any ideas on how to fix this.
can you please send a me a repro for the issue? Not sure out of the box what the problem could be, did you try to enable physics debug visualization? You can enable it in Window->Simulation->Physics debug. There are PhysX SDK debug visualization toggles.