Hi guys, I bought my very first course, Synthetic Data Generation for Training Computer Vision Models,
I watched the introduction video, then i had to go on a trip, came back home to watch it again and I get " You have exhausted the lab time provided with your course enrollment.
If you believe this message is in error, please contact support."
Isn’t the course you paid owned by you and you watch forever whenever you want? I Have emailed support but not herad back yet.
How does this work, I bought the course thinking that I could watch it over and over again but apparently not.
Can you please explain how these Nvidia courses work.
I have finished the course, did the training , deployed the model etc…
But the tab Progress is saying my grade is 0 and there is only 75% of it completed. I am lost , not sure why.
Can you please help me to understand what is going on?
Will I have to complete the course again once it’s fixed to have a certificate or will it show the completion of the course done when it’s eventually done?
Thanks Tom, but this is a real mess. It is clear to me that there is a certificate, how do I even prove I have finished the course.
Please see attached how there is a certification to be issued… It clearly says on the page “ in order to qualify for a certificate you must have a passing grade”
Hi, I can confirm that this course does not offer a certificate, and that the certificate display status in that course is a bug that we are working to fix. We are additionally working on resolving course completion metrics.
I am sorry but I bought the course intending to have a certificate to show. I go to the Nvidia main page, and narrow down the search box with only the courses WITH certificate and this course is there. see the attachment again.
If you can’t issue my certificate can you please refund the money or give credit for another course?
How is this progressing ?. When could we have this solved ? @tdahlin. First report of this issue has now more than a month of being reported, and for more than one course having the exact same issue:
I have taken the Prompt Engineering with LLaMA-2 self-paced course, one that does generate the certificate and one that has a cost for it. I am experiencing the same problems with the completion mechanism even after having it completed twice. Im sure other people that is reporting this is experiencing the problem from not so long ago, plus the ones that aren’t even reporting because it seems a general fault in your iframe.
same problem here , i bought my very first course Getting Started with Deep Learning and i got this : " You have exhausted the lab time provided with your course enrollment.
If you believe this message is in error, please contact support." . Thank you