I’ve got this error when I’m trying Isaac gym
Can I get some help to solve this problem?
It seems to be the header files and static libraries for Python are not installed.
You can install them via:
apt-get install python3-dev
Additionally (and just in case), you can check the installation of basic software required to compile in C and C++ code
apt-get install build-essential
I’ve tried it and after I’ve still got this problem
It says I do have isaac gym but when I’m running It doesn’t show up
And also This is the other problem but when I’m running isaac sim launcher.
It keep gaves me this error
How can I solve this problem?
Many thanks for your help
For Isaac Gym Preview 4:
Can you create a Python virtual environment and install Isaac Gym Preview 4 and IsaacGymEnvs there to avoid the risk of messing existing Python with incompatible package versions?
For Isaac Sim:
Can you share the log file located in ~/.nvidia-omniverse/logs/Kit/Isaac-Sim
I’m sorry but still getting this error the one about codes doesn’t work some how
Can I get another solution?
And also for the running GitHub - NVIDIA-Omniverse/OmniIsaacGymEnvs: Reinforcement Learning Environments for Omniverse Isaac Gym this one,
still get the error about waiting for compilation of ray tracing shaders by GPU drivers but when just running isaac sim, it works fine.
Maybe there are several Python versions already installed.
In this case, make sure to install the Python dev files for the specific Python version
apt-get install python3.8-dev
For Isaac Sim, building the shaders is normal and should happen on the first run or driver update…
Wait for several minutes to complete. In case the problem continues, please, share the log file
Even after running the command, still can’t run the isaac gym.
And for train part, after I was waiting,I got this error message.
For Isaac Gym, you may need to downgrade numpy
version. See this post in Stack Overflow
For Isaac Sim, please, share the logs
For Isaac GYm, please, install PyTorch according to your current setup as indicated in PyTorch Start Locally. If your CUDA version is not listed, select the next lower version available.
For Isaac Sim, it seems that the logs were not uploaded correctly. Please share it again and wait for it to load before sending the message.
For the log file, I zip the file
2022.2.zip (765.5 KB)
I got this error when I’m running reinforcement learning examples
Also I want to ask you a question.
Is it possible to make an autonomous car or drone which is avoiding obstacles using lidar sensor or camera for object detection? If I make that kind of program, should I use just pure Isaac sim and ROS or isaac gym?
Really appreciate for your help
Thanks a lot
Well, it depends on the formulation of the problem. For massive parallel RL using (Omniverse) Isaac Gym, ROS represents a performance bottleneck during training. In this case, you can train the policy using the provided API and then deploy using ROS, in one or a few environments, in Isaac Sim.
In the case of Omniverse Isaac Gym. as far as I know, the tensor API for working with massive parallel sensors, such as cameras, is coming in future releases.
By the way, and specifically for autonomous vehicles, you can take a look at NVIDIA DRIVE Sim
NVIDIA DRIVE Sim™ is an end-to-end simulation platform, architected from the ground up to run large-scale, physically accurate multi-sensor simulation. It’s open, scalable, modular and supports AV development and validation from concept to deployment, improving developer productivity and accelerating time to market.
For Isaac Sim: Please @Sheikh_Dawood, we needed your help to identify why Isaac Sim is not working. Logs files are attached in the post above
My Isaac sim is working fine now however I still stuck in when I’m trying to run the examples on tutorial which is 3. ROS2 Lidar Sensors — Omniverse Robotics documentation
so I set up ROS2_humble and set the bridge inside but when I’m setting the action graph especially when I put in the ROS2_context block. It accidentally terminate the program.
how can I solve this problem?
Just in case, I attach my log file again
2022.2.zip (2.5 MB)
Good to know Issac Sim works now.
Please @Hammad_M, we needed your help to identify the crash reason. Full logs are attached above
2023-02-17 14:07:04 [116,203ms] [Warning] [omni.graph.window.core.graph_config] icon path /home/taeseung/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2022.2.0/exts/omni.isaac.ros2_bridge-humble/temp/omni.isaac.ros2_bridge.ROS2RtxLidarHelper.svg not found for OmniGraph node type omni.isaac.ros2_bridge.ROS2RtxLidarHelper
2023-02-17 14:07:08 [120,002ms] [Info] [omni.kit.menu.utils.scripts.utils] omni.kit.menu.utils.refresh_menu_items Window
2023-02-17 14:07:10 [121,931ms] [Info] [omni.kit.menu.utils.scripts.utils] omni.kit.menu.utils.refresh_menu_items Create
2023-02-17 14:07:13 [125,038ms] [Info] [omni.graph.core.plugin] Compute node /World/ActionGraph/ros1_publish_laser_scan was removed.
2023-02-17 14:07:13 [125,097ms] [Info] [omni.kit.menu.utils.scripts.utils] omni.kit.menu.utils.refresh_menu_items Create
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [164,906ms] [Error] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] crash detected
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [164,906ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] A crash has occurred. If a debugger should be attached, please set the '/crashreporter/debuggerAttachTimeoutMs' setting to a timeout in milliseconds. This can be used to allow the crash reporter to wait for up to that long for a debugger to attach before processing or sending the crash report.
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [164,914ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] compressing 2 files into '/home/taeseung/.local/share/ov/data/Kit/Isaac-Sim/2022.2/f9588a5e-e322-4b96-fdcad583-9e8f9a24.dmp.zip' for upload.
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] Uploading minidump: file:'/home/taeseung/.local/share/ov/data/Kit/Isaac-Sim/2022.2/f9588a5e-e322-4b96-fdcad583-9e8f9a24.dmp.zip' svr:'https://services.nvidia.com/submit'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] Crash metadata for upload:
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] CarbSdkVersion = '129.7+129.tc225.e66972f6'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] DumpId = 'f9588a5e-e322-4b96-fdcad583-9e8f9a24'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] ProductName = 'OmniverseKit'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] RetryCount = '0'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] StartupTime = '1676642708'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] UptimeSeconds = '165'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] Version = '104.1+release.385.7098f305.tc'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] appName = 'Isaac-Sim'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] appState = 'started'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] appVersion = '2022.2.0'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] autoloadExts = ''
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] buildBranch = 'release'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] buildCi = 'tc'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] buildHash = '7098f305'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] buildId = '13069179'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] buildMajor = '104'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] buildMinor = '1'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] buildMr = '0'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] buildNumber = '385'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] buildPatch = '0'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] buildVersion = '104.1.0'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] environmentName = 'default'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] experience = 'Isaac Sim'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] extraExts = 'omni.isaac.ros2_bridge-humble-1.10.1'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] kitRendererDriverVersion = '525.78'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] lastCommand = 'CreateNodeCommand(graph=?,node_path=/World/ActionGraph/ros2_context,node_type=omni.isaac.ros2_bridge.ROS2Context,create_usd=True)'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] lastCommands = 'ToggleExtension(ext_id=omni.isaac.ros_bridge-1.9.0,enable=False),ToggleExtension(ext_id=omni.isaac.ros2_bridge-humble-1.10.1,enable=True),SelectPrimsCommand(old_selected_paths=?,new_selected_paths=?,expand_in_stage=True),DeletePrims(paths=?,destructive=False),Group,CreateNodeCommand(graph=?,node_path=/World/ActionGraph/ros2_publish_laser_scan,node_type=omni.isaac.ros2_bridge.ROS2PublishLaserScan,create_usd=True),UsdUINodeGraphNodeSetCommand(attribute=ui:nodegraph:node:pos,prim_path=/World/ActionGraph/ros2_publish_laser_scan,value=?,prev=?,stage=?),UsdUINodeGraphNodeSetCommand(attribute=ui:nodegraph:node:expansionState,prim_path=/World/ActionGraph/ros2_publish_laser_scan,value=open,prev=?,stage=?),Group,CreateNodeCommand(graph=?,node_path=/World/ActionGraph/ros2_context,node_type=omni.isaac.ros2_bridge.ROS2Context,create_usd=True)'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] memoryStats = '(avail/total) RAM: 5.03271/13.51GB, Swap: 0/0GB, VM: 1.71799e+10/1.71799e+10GB'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] portableMode = '0'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] stageUrl = '/home/taeseung/Desktop/carter_warehouse_navigation.usd'
2023-02-17 14:07:53 [165,225ms] [Warning] [carb.crashreporter-breakpad.plugin] systemInfo = '
| Driver Version: 525.78.1 | Graphics API: Vulkan
| GPU | Name | Active | LDA | GPU Memory | Vendor-ID | LUID |
| | | | | | Device-ID | UUID |
| 0 | AMD Unknown (RADV RENOIR) | | | 5976 MB | 1002 | 0 |
| | | | | | 1638 | 00000000.. |
| 1 | NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Laptop.. | Yes: 0 | | 8192 MB | 10de | 0 |
| | | | | | 24dd | e5b5f715.. |
| OS: Linux taeseung-Legion-5-15ACH6H, Version: 5.19.0-32-generic
| XServer Vendor: The X.Org Foundation, XServer Version: 12101003 (
| Processor: AMD Ryzen 7 5800H with Radeon Graphics | Cores: Unknown | Logical: 16
| Total Memory (MB): 13834 | Free Memory: 10052
| Total Page/Swap (MB): 0 | Free Page/Swap: 0
@taeseung.you, If your original problem was solved let’s close this topic and open new ones for new issues/discussions :)
The ROS2 context crash on ubuntu 22.04 will be fixed in our next release 2022.2.1 coming out soon
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