Isaac Lab not working properly on Isaac Sim 4.2.0 on Ubuntu 22.04

I need to use Isaac Sim with Isaac Lab to make a research project for my university on Reinforcement Learning. I installed Isaac Sim and Isaac Lab using Isaac Sim Binaries as explained on the official documentation here:
After I verified that Isaac Sim Installation is correctly done I proceeded with Isaac Lab. When I check the list of environments on Isaac Lab it shows a warning with a bunch of environments and then the Simulation App Stops. I tried to give the command “./ -p source/standalone/workflows/sb3/ --task Isaac-Cartpole-v0 --num_envs 32 --checkpoint /PATH/TO/” and the following shows on my terminal:
[INFO] Using python from: /home/nakamuralab/IsaacLab/_isaac_sim/
[INFO][AppLauncher]: Loading experience file: /home/nakamuralab/IsaacLab/source/extensions/omni.isaac.lab/omni/isaac/lab/app/
Starting kit application with the following args: [‘/home/nakamuralab/IsaacLab/_isaac_sim/exts/omni.isaac.kit/omni/isaac/kit/’, ‘/home/nakamuralab/IsaacLab/source/extensions/omni.isaac.lab/omni/isaac/lab/app/
/apps/isaaclab.python.kit’, ‘–/app/tokens/exe-path=/home/nakamuralab/IsaacLab/_isaac_sim/kit’, ‘–/persistent/app/viewport/displayOptions=3094’, ‘–/rtx/materialDb/syncLoads=True’, ‘–/rtx/hydra/materialSyncLoads=True’, ‘–/omni.kit.plugin/syncUsdLoads=True’, ‘–/app/renderer/resolution/width=1280’, ‘–/app/renderer/resolution/height=720’, ‘–/app/window/width=1440’, ‘–/app/window/height=900’, ‘–/renderer/multiGpu/enabled=True’, ‘–/app/fastShutdown=True’, ‘–ext-folder’, ‘/home/nakamuralab/IsaacLab/_isaac_sim/exts’, ‘–ext-folder’, ‘/home/nakamuralab/IsaacLab/_isaac_sim/apps’, ‘–/renderer/activeGpu=0’, ‘–/physics/cudaDevice=0’, ‘–portable’, ‘–/app/window/hideUi=False’]
Passing the following args to the base kit application: [‘–task’, ‘Isaac-Cartpole-v0’, ‘–num_envs’, ‘32’, ‘–checkpoint’, ‘/PATH/TO/’]
Loading user config located at: ‘/home/nakamuralab/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac-sim-4.2.0/kit/data/Kit/Isaac-Sim/4.2/user.config.json’
[Info] [carb] Logging to file: /home/nakamuralab/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac-sim-4.2.0/kit/logs/Kit/Isaac-Sim/4.2/kit_20240930_133457.log
2024-09-30 04:34:57 [0ms] [Warning] [] No crash reporter present, dumps uploading isn’t available.
[0.105s] [ext: omni.blobkey-1.1.2] startup
[0.105s] [ext: omni.kit.async_engine-0.0.1] startup
[0.346s] [ext: omni.stats-1.0.1] startup
[0.346s] [ext: omni.datastore-0.0.0] startup
[0.350s] [ext: omni.client-1.2.0] startup
[0.367s] [ext: omni.ujitso.default-1.0.0] startup
[0.367s] [ext: omni.gpu_foundation.shadercache.vulkan-1.0.0] startup
[0.370s] [ext: omni.hsscclient-1.1.1] startup
[0.370s] [ext: omni.assets.plugins-0.0.0] startup
[0.371s] [ext: omni.gpu_foundation-0.0.0] startup
[0.376s] [ext: carb.windowing.plugins-1.0.0] startup
[0.381s] [ext: omni.kit.renderer.init-0.0.0] startup
2024-09-30 04:34:58 [616ms] [Warning] [] Skipping unsupported non-NVIDIA GPU: Intel(R) Graphics (RPL-S)
2024-09-30 04:34:58 [616ms] [Warning] [] Skipping unsupported non-NVIDIA GPU: Intel(R) Graphics (RPL-S)

| Driver Version: 560.35.03 | Graphics API: Vulkan
| GPU | Name | Active | LDA | GPU Memory | Vendor-ID | LUID |
| | | | | | Device-ID | UUID |
| | | | | | Bus-ID | |
| 0 | NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Laptop
 | Yes: 0 | | 8188 MB | 10de | 0 |
| | | | | | 28e0 | 13ab0169
| | | | | | 1 | |
| 1 | Intel(R) Graphics (RPL-S) | | | 23811 MB | 8086 | 0 |
| | | | | | a788 | 868088a7
| | | | | | 0 | |
| OS: 22.04.5 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) ubuntu, Version: 22.04.5, Kernel: 6.8.0-45-generic
| XServer Vendor: The X.Org Foundation, XServer Version: 12201001 (
| Processor: 13th Gen Intel(R) Coreℱ i9-13980HX | Cores: 24 | Logical: 48
| Total Memory (MB): 31748 | Free Memory: 27639
| Total Page/Swap (MB): 2047 | Free Page/Swap: 2046
[1.048s] [ext: omni.kit.pipapi-0.0.0] startup
[1.049s] [ext: omni.kit.pip_archive-0.0.0] startup
[1.049s] [ext: omni.pip.compute-1.4.0] startup
[1.049s] [ext: omni.materialx.libs-1.0.4] startup
[1.055s] [ext:] startup
[1.057s] [ext: omni.isaac.core_archive-2.3.0] startup
[1.057s] [ext: omni.kit.telemetry-0.5.0] startup
[1.070s] [ext: omni.kit.loop-isaac-1.2.0] startup
[1.071s] [ext: omni.kit.test-1.1.0] startup
[1.104s] [ext: omni.isaac.ml_archive-2.0.1] startup
[1.104s] [ext: omni.usd.config-1.0.4] startup
[1.106s] [ext: omni.gpucompute.plugins-0.0.0] startup
[1.106s] [ext: omni.usd.libs-1.0.1] startup
[1.173s] [ext: omni.iray.libs-0.0.0] startup
[1.176s] [ext: omni.mdl.neuraylib-0.2.8] startup
[1.177s] [ext: omni.mdl-55.0.1] startup
[1.190s] [ext: omni.kit.usd.mdl-1.0.1] startup
[1.276s] [ext: omni.appwindow-1.1.8] startup
[1.281s] [ext: omni.kit.renderer.core-1.0.2] startup
[1.364s] [ext: omni.kit.renderer.capture-0.0.0] startup
[1.366s] [ext: omni.kit.renderer.imgui-1.0.1] startup
[1.428s] [ext: omni.ui-2.25.22] startup
[1.435s] [ext: omni.kit.mainwindow-1.0.3] startup
[1.436s] [ext:] startup
[1.438s] [ext: omni.uiaudio-1.0.0] startup
[1.438s] [ext: omni.kit.uiapp-0.0.0] startup
[1.438s] [ext: omni.usd.schema.geospatial-0.0.0] startup
[1.441s] [ext:] startup
[1.443s] [ext: omni.usd.schema.semantics-0.0.0] startup
[1.445s] [ext: omni.usd.schema.anim-0.0.0] startup
[1.461s] [ext: omni.usd.schema.omnigraph-1.0.0] startup
[1.466s] [ext: omni.usd.schema.physx-106.1.9] startup
[1.490s] [ext: omni.usd.schema.scene.visualization-2.0.2] startup
[1.490s] [ext: omni.usd.schema.isaac-2.1.0] startup
[1.496s] [ext: omni.usd.schema.forcefield-106.1.9] startup
[1.500s] [ext: omni.kit.actions.core-1.0.0] startup
[1.501s] [ext: omni.graph.exec-0.9.4] startup
[1.502s] [ext: omni.kit.commands-1.4.9] startup
[1.504s] [ext: omni.kit.audiodeviceenum-1.0.1] startup
[1.505s] [ext: omni.kit.usd_undo-0.1.8] startup
[1.505s] [ext: omni.kit.exec.core-0.13.4] startup
[1.507s] [ext: omni.usdphysics-106.1.9] startup
[1.510s] [ext: omni.usd_resolver-1.0.0] startup
[1.512s] [ext: omni.resourcemonitor-105.0.1] startup
[1.514s] [ext: omni.kit.window.popup_dialog-2.0.24] startup
[1.516s] [ext: omni.activity.core-1.0.1] startup
[1.517s] [ext: omni.usd.core-1.4.1] startup
[1.519s] [ext: omni.timeline-1.0.10] startup
[1.520s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.nucleus_connector-1.1.9] startup
[1.521s] [ext: usdrt.scenegraph-7.5.0] startup
[1.550s] [ext: omni.kit.clipboard-1.0.4] startup
[1.551s] [ext: omni.hydra.usdrt_delegate-7.5.1] startup
[1.561s] [ext: omni.hydra.scene_delegate-0.3.3] startup
[1.564s] [ext: omni.kit.notification_manager-1.0.9] startup
[1.566s] [ext: omni.usd-1.12.2] startup
[1.598s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.nucleus_info-1.0.2] startup
[1.598s] [ext:] startup
[1.599s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.path_field-2.0.10] startup
[1.599s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.searchable_combobox-1.0.6] startup
[1.600s] [ext: omni.kit.helper.file_utils-0.1.8] startup
[1.601s] [ext: omni.kit.search_core-1.0.5] startup
[1.601s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.context_menu-1.2.2] startup
[1.602s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.browser_bar-2.0.10] startup
[1.602s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.settings-1.2.2] startup
[1.603s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.filebrowser-2.10.51] startup
[1.606s] [ext:] startup
[1.607s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.options_menu-1.1.6] startup
[1.609s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.search_delegate-1.0.5] startup
[1.609s] [ext: omni.ui.scene-1.10.3] startup
[1.613s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.options_button-1.0.3] startup
[1.613s] [ext: omni.isaac.kit-1.13.2] startup
[1.613s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.prompt-1.0.7] startup
[1.614s] [ext: omni.kit.window.filepicker-2.10.40] startup
[1.620s] [ext:] startup
[1.625s] [ext: omni.kvdb-106.1.9] startup
[1.626s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.live_session_management.ui-1.0.1] startup
[1.627s] [ext: omni.kit.usd.layers-2.1.36] startup
[1.632s] [ext: omni.localcache-106.1.9] startup
[1.633s] [ext: omni.convexdecomposition-106.1.9] startup
[1.636s] [ext: omni.kit.window.preferences-1.6.0] startup
[1.642s] [ext: omni.kit.collaboration.presence_layer-1.0.9] startup
[1.643s] [ext:] startup
[1.650s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.live_session_management-1.2.20] startup
[1.652s] [ext: omni.physx-106.1.9] startup
[1.660s] [ext: omni.physics.tensors-106.1.9] startup
[1.720s] [ext:] startup
[1.722s] [ext: omni.physx.tensors-106.1.9] startup
[1.730s] [ext:] startup
[1.731s] [ext:] startup
[1.732s] [ext: omni.kit.window.content_browser_registry-0.0.6] startup
[1.733s] [ext: omni.kit.context_menu-1.8.1] startup
[1.735s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.filter-1.1.4] startup
[1.736s] [ext: omni.kit.hotkeys.core-1.3.5] startup
[1.737s] [ext: omni.kit.window.file_exporter-1.0.30] startup
[1.741s] [ext: omni.kit.stage_template.core-1.1.22] startup
[1.741s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.searchfield-1.1.8] startup
[1.743s] [ext: omni.kit.window.drop_support-1.0.3] startup
[1.743s] [ext: omni.kit.window.file_importer-1.1.12] startup
[1.745s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.highlight_label-1.0.2] startup
[1.746s] [ext: omni.kit.window.file-1.3.54] startup
[1.750s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.stage-2.11.2] startup
[1.762s] [ext: omni.ujitso.processor.texture-1.0.0] startup
[1.763s] [ext:] startup
[1.766s] [ext: omni.kit.window.content_browser-2.9.18] startup
[1.784s] [ext:] startup
[1.786s] [ext: omni.volume-0.5.0] startup
[1.789s] [ext: omni.ujitso.client-0.0.0] startup
[1.789s] [ext: omni.hydra.rtx.shadercache.vulkan-1.0.0] startup
[1.790s] [ext:] startup
[1.797s] [ext: omni.hydra.rtx-1.0.0] startup
[1.809s] [ext: omni.kit.material.library-1.5.6] startup
[1.812s] [ext: omni.kit.hydra_texture-1.3.9] startup
[1.815s] [ext: omni.kit.raycast.query-1.0.5] startup
[1.818s] [ext: omni.kit.viewport.registry-104.0.6] startup
[1.818s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.viewport-106.1.0] startup
[1.821s] [ext: omni.hydra.engine.stats-1.0.2] startup
[1.822s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.graph-1.12.15] startup
[1.825s] [ext: omni.kit.viewport.window-107.0.6] startup
[1.835s] [ext: omni.kit.graph.delegate.default-1.2.2] startup
[1.835s] [ext: omni.kit.viewport.utility-1.0.17] startup
[1.836s] [ext: omni.kit.graph.editor.core-1.5.3] startup
[1.837s] [ext: omni.kit.primitive.mesh-1.0.17] startup
[1.839s] [ext: omni.inspect-1.0.1] startup
[1.840s] [ext: omni.ui_query-1.1.4] startup
[1.840s] [ext: omni.kit.graph.widget.variables-2.1.0] startup
[1.844s] [ext: omni.kit.stage_templates-1.2.5] startup
[1.845s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.text_editor-1.0.2] startup
[1.846s] [ext: omni.graph.core-2.179.2] startup
[1.847s] [ext:] startup
[1.860s] [ext: omni.kit.window.extensions-1.4.11] startup
[1.863s] [ext: omni.debugdraw-0.1.3] startup
[1.865s] [ext: omni.graph-1.140.0] startup
[1.891s] [ext: omni.physx.stageupdate-106.1.9] startup
[1.892s] [ext: omni.graph.ui-1.70.2] startup
[1.900s] [ext: omni.graph.action_core-1.1.6] startup
[1.903s] [ext: omni.kit.manipulator.viewport-107.0.0] startup
[1.904s] [ext: omni.graph.action_nodes-1.24.0] startup
[1.909s] [ext: omni.kit.graph.delegate.modern-1.10.6] startup
[1.911s] [ext: omni.kit.graph.usd.commands-1.3.1] startup
[1.913s] [ext: omni.isaac.version-1.1.0] startup
[1.914s] [ext: omni.graph.visualization.nodes-2.1.1] startup
[1.924s] [ext: omni.graph.action-1.102.1] startup
[1.926s] [ext: omni.kit.ui.actions-1.0.2] startup
[1.929s] [ext: omni.warp.core-1.2.1] startup
[2.007s] [ext: omni.isaac.nucleus-0.3.1] startup
[2.013s] [ext: omni.graph.window.core-1.113.1] startup
[2.035s] [ext: omni.kit.ui_test-1.3.2] startup
[2.038s] [ext: omni.isaac.core-3.19.5] startup
[2.901s] [ext: omni.graph.window.generic-1.26.0] startup
[2.906s] [ext: omni.isaac.ui-0.16.0] startup
[2.910s] [ext:] startup
[2.912s] [ext:] startup
[2.913s] [ext:] startup
[2.917s] [ext: omni.kit.actions.window-1.1.1] startup
[2.921s] [ext: omni.graph.window.action-1.28.0] startup
[2.925s] [ext: omni.kit.hotkeys.window-1.4.5] startup
[2.929s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.layers-1.8.0] startup
[2.936s] [ext: omni.kit.window.cursor-1.1.2] startup
[2.938s] [ext:] startup
[2.939s] [ext:] startup
[2.941s] [ext: omni.kit.viewport.menubar.core-106.1.0] startup
[2.950s] [ext: omni.kit.stage_column.payload-2.0.0] startup
[2.951s] [ext: omni.kit.stage_column.variant-1.0.13] startup
[2.953s] [ext: omni.graph.image.core-0.4.5] startup
[2.955s] [ext: omni.kit.stagerecorder.core-105.0.5] startup
[2.957s] [ext:] startup
[2.961s] [ext: omni.kit.selection-0.1.4] startup
[2.962s] [ext:] startup
[2.964s] [ext: omni.graph.image.nodes-1.1.0] startup
[2.966s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.material_preview-1.0.16] startup
[2.967s] [ext: omni.graph.scriptnode-1.20.1] startup
[2.968s] [ext:] startup
[2.974s] [ext: omni.kit.numpy.common-0.1.2] startup
[2.975s] [ext: omni.graph.nodes-1.146.1] startup
[2.983s] [ext: omni.syntheticdata-0.6.9] startup
[3.002s] [ext: omni.kit.window.material_graph-1.8.18] startup
[3.025s] [ext: omni.kit.viewport.menubar.render-106.1.1] startup
[3.029s] [ext: omni.isaac.dynamic_control-1.3.8] startup
[3.034s] [ext: omni.warp-1.2.1] startup
[3.037s] [ext: omni.sensors.nv.common-1.2.2-isaac-1] startup
[3.046s] [ext: omni.isaac.debug_draw-1.1.0] startup
[3.049s] [ext: omni.replicator.core-1.11.20] startup
2024-09-30 04:35:00 [2,984ms] [Warning] [omni.replicator.core.scripts.annotators] Annotator PostProcessDispatch is already registered, overwriting annotator template
Warp 1.2.1 initialized:
CUDA Toolkit 11.8, Driver 12.6
“cpu” : “x86_64”
“cuda:0” : “NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Laptop GPU” (8 GiB, sm_89, mempool enabled)
Kernel cache:
[3.190s] [ext: omni.kit.viewport.menubar.settings-107.0.3] startup
[3.195s] [ext:] startup
[3.201s] [ext: omni.sensors.nv.materials-1.2.1-isaac-1] startup
[3.207s] [ext: omni.isaac.range_sensor-3.1.2] startup
[3.223s] [ext: omni.isaac.core_nodes-1.16.3] startup
[3.233s] [ext: omni.kit.viewport.actions-106.0.2] startup
[3.238s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.cache_indicator-2.0.10] startup
[3.286s] [ext: omni.sensors.nv.wpm-1.2.1-isaac-1] startup
[3.287s] [ext: omni.sensors.nv.lidar-1.2.2-isaac-1] startup
[3.291s] [ext: omni.rtx.window.settings-0.6.17] startup
[3.299s] [ext: omni.sensors.tiled-0.0.6] startup
[3.301s] [ext: omni.sensors.nv.radar-1.2.1-isaac-1] startup
[3.306s] [ext: omni.sensors.nv.ids-1.1.0-isaac-1] startup
[3.310s] [ext: omni.kit.viewport.rtx-104.0.1] startup
[3.311s] [ext:] startup
[3.317s] [ext: omni.isaac.sensor-12.9.1] startup
[3.393s] [ext: omni.kit.manipulator.transform-104.7.4] startup
[3.400s] [ext: omni.kit.viewport.menubar.display-107.0.2] startup
[3.406s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.toolbar-1.7.2] startup
[3.435s] [ext: omni.physx.commands-106.1.9] startup
[3.445s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.calendar-1.0.8] startup
[3.447s] [ext: omni.usdphysics.ui-106.1.9] startup
[3.464s] [ext: omni.kit.manipulator.tool.snap-1.5.11] startup
[3.468s] [ext: omni.kit.manipulator.selector-1.1.1] startup
[3.470s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.extended_searchfield-1.0.28] startup
[3.475s] [ext: omni.physx.ui-106.1.9] startup
[3.494s] [ext:] startup
[3.498s] [ext: omni.kit.viewport.manipulator.transform-107.0.2] startup
[3.499s] [ext:] startup
[3.502s] [ext: omni.physx.demos-106.1.9] startup
[3.514s] [ext:] startup
[3.567s] [ext: omni.kit.manipulator.prim.core-107.0.4] startup
[3.572s] [ext: omni.fabric.commands-1.1.5] startup
[3.575s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.stage_icons-1.0.5] startup
[3.576s] [ext: omni.physx.vehicle-106.1.9] startup
[3.589s] [ext: omni.kit.manipulator.prim.usd-107.0.2] startup
[3.591s] [ext: omni.kit.manipulator.prim.fabric-107.0.3] startup
[3.593s] [ext:] startup
[3.594s] [ext: omni.kit.window.stage-2.5.10] startup
[3.597s] [ext:] startup
[3.605s] [ext: omni.kit.manipulator.prim-107.0.0] startup
[3.605s] [ext: omni.kit.manipulator.selection-106.0.1] startup
[3.607s] [ext: omni.kit.window.toolbar-1.6.1] startup
[3.609s] [ext: omni.kit.widget.timeline-105.0.1] startup
[3.611s] [ext:] startup
[3.612s] [ext: omni.physx.cct-106.1.9] startup
[3.621s] [ext: omni.physx.graph-106.1.9] startup
[3.634s] [ext: omni.hydra.scene_api-0.1.2] startup
[3.640s] [ext: omni.physx.supportui-106.1.9] startup
[3.657s] [ext: omni.physx.telemetry-106.1.9] startup
[3.659s] [ext: omni.graph.ui_nodes-1.26.0] startup
[3.662s] [ext:] startup
[3.664s] [ext:] startup
[3.669s] [ext:] startup
[3.671s] [ext:] startup
[3.673s] [ext: omni.graph.bundle.action-2.4.1] startup
[3.674s] [ext: omni.physx.bundle-106.1.9] startup
[3.675s] [ext: omni.kit.window.script_editor-1.7.6] startup
[3.677s] [ext:] startup
[3.679s] [ext: omni.kit.window.status_bar-0.1.7] startup
[3.682s] [ext: omni.kit.window.title-1.1.5] startup
[3.685s] [ext: omni.replicator.isaac-1.15.2] startup
[3.717s] [ext: omni.replicator.replicator_yaml-2.0.6] startup
[3.746s] [ext: omni.rtx.settings.core-0.6.3] startup
[3.763s] [ext: omni.kit.window.commands-0.2.6] startup
[3.773s] [ext: semantics.schema.editor-0.3.8] startup
[3.787s] [ext:] startup
[3.791s] [ext: omni.kit.window.console-0.2.13] startup
[3.804s] [ext: omni.kit.profiler.window-2.2.3] startup
[3.810s] [ext: omni.isaac.utils-1.0.1] startup
[3.813s] [ext: omni.isaac.cloner-0.8.1] startup
[3.815s] [ext: omni.kit.window.stats-0.1.6] startup
[3.817s] [ext: isaaclab.python-1.2.0] startup
[3.818s] Simulation App Starting
[5.264s] app ready
[6.111s] Simulation App Startup Complete
2024-09-30 04:35:04 [6,656ms] [Warning] [pxr.Semantics] pxr.Semantics is deprecated - please use Semantics instead
[INFO]: Parsing configuration from: <class ‘omni.isaac.lab_tasks.manager_based.classic.cartpole.cartpole_env_cfg.CartpoleEnvCfg’>
[INFO]: Parsing configuration from: /home/nakamuralab/IsaacLab/source/extensions/omni.isaac.lab_tasks/omni/isaac/lab_tasks/manager_based/classic/cartpole/agents/sb3_ppo_cfg.yaml
2024-09-30 04:35:05 [7,857ms] [Warning] [omni.isaac.lab.envs.manager_based_env] Seed not set for the environment. The environment creation may not be deterministic.
[7.961s] [ext: omni.physx.fabric-106.1.9] startup
[INFO]: Base environment:
Environment device : cuda:0
Environment seed : None
Physics step-size : 0.008333333333333333
Rendering step-size : 0.016666666666666666
Environment step-size : 0.016666666666666666
[INFO]: Time taken for scene creation : 0.849536 seconds
[INFO]: Scene manager:
Number of environments: 32
Environment spacing : 4.0
Source prim name : /World/envs/env_0
Global prim paths :
Replicate physics : True
[INFO]: Starting the simulation. This may take a few seconds. Please wait

2024-09-30 04:35:07 [9,537ms] [Warning] [omni.hydra.scene_delegate.plugin] Calling getBypassRenderSkelMeshProcessing for prim /World/envs/env_0/Robot/slider/visuals.proto_mesh_0_id0 that has not been populated
[INFO]: Time taken for simulation start : 0.884327 seconds
[INFO] Command Manager: contains 1 active terms.
| Active Command Terms |
| Index | Name | Type |
| 0 | null | NullCommand |

[INFO] Action Manager: contains 1 active terms.
| Active Action Terms (shape: 1) |
| Index | Name | Dimension |
| 0 | joint_effort | 1 |

[INFO] Observation Manager: contains 1 groups.
| Active Observation Terms in Group: ‘policy’ (shape: (4,)) |
| Index | Name | Shape |
| 0 | joint_pos_rel | (2,) |
| 1 | joint_vel_rel | (2,) |

[INFO] Event Manager: contains 1 active terms.
| Active Event Terms in Mode: ‘reset’ |
| Index | Name |
| 0 | reset_cart_position |
| 1 | reset_pole_position |

[INFO] Termination Manager: contains 2 active terms.
| Active Termination Terms |
| Index | Name | Time Out |
| 0 | time_out | True |
| 1 | cart_out_of_bounds | False |

[INFO] Reward Manager: contains 5 active terms.
| Active Reward Terms |
| Index | Name | Weight |
| 0 | alive | 1.0 |
| 1 | terminating | -2.0 |
| 2 | pole_pos | -1.0 |
| 3 | cart_vel | -0.01 |
| 4 | pole_vel | -0.005 |

[INFO] Curriculum Manager: contains 0 active terms.
| Active Curriculum Terms |
| Index | Name |

Creating window for environment.
[INFO]: Completed setting up the environment

Loading checkpoint from: /PATH/TO/

  • OS: Linux-6.8.0-45-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35 # 45~22.04.1-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Sep 11 15:25:05 UTC 2
  • Python: 3.10.14
  • Stable-Baselines3: 2.3.2
  • PyTorch: 2.4.0+cu118
  • GPU Enabled: True
  • Numpy: 1.26.0
  • Cloudpickle: 3.0.0
  • Gymnasium: 0.29.0
  • OpenAI Gym: 0.23.1

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/nakamuralab/IsaacLab/source/standalone/workflows/sb3/”, line 138, in
File “/home/nakamuralab/IsaacLab/source/standalone/workflows/sb3/”, line 113, in main
agent = PPO.load(checkpoint_path, env, print_system_info=True)
File “/home/nakamuralab/IsaacLab/_isaac_sim/kit/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/”, line 680, in load
data, params, pytorch_variables = load_from_zip_file(
File “/home/nakamuralab/IsaacLab/_isaac_sim/kit/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/”, line 403, in load_from_zip_file
file = open_path(load_path, “r”, verbose=verbose, suffix=“zip”)
File “/home/nakamuralab/IsaacLab/_isaac_sim/kit/python/lib/python3.10/”, line 889, in wrapper
return dispatch(args[0].class)(*args, **kw)
File “/home/nakamuralab/IsaacLab/_isaac_sim/kit/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/”, line 240, in open_path_str
return open_path_pathlib(pathlib.Path(path), mode, verbose, suffix)
File “/home/nakamuralab/IsaacLab/_isaac_sim/kit/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/”, line 291, in open_path_pathlib
return open_path_pathlib(path, mode, verbose, suffix)
File “/home/nakamuralab/IsaacLab/_isaac_sim/kit/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/”, line 272, in open_path_pathlib
raise error
File “/home/nakamuralab/IsaacLab/_isaac_sim/kit/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/”, line 264, in open_path_pathlib
return open_path(“rb”), mode, verbose, suffix)
File “/home/nakamuralab/IsaacLab/_isaac_sim/kit/python/lib/python3.10/”, line 1119, in open
return, mode, buffering, encoding, errors,
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/PATH/TO/’
2024-09-30 04:35:07 [9,663ms] [Warning] [omni.graph.core.plugin] Could not find category ‘Replicator:Annotators’ for removal
2024-09-30 04:35:07 [9,663ms] [Warning] [omni.graph.core.plugin] Could not find category ‘Replicator:Annotators’ for removal
2024-09-30 04:35:07 [9,663ms] [Warning] [omni.graph.core.plugin] Could not find category ‘Replicator:Annotators’ for removal
2024-09-30 04:35:07 [9,663ms] [Warning] [omni.graph.core.plugin] Could not find category ‘Replicator:Annotators’ for removal
2024-09-30 04:35:07 [9,663ms] [Warning] [omni.graph.core.plugin] Could not find category ‘Replicator:Annotators’ for removal
2024-09-30 04:35:07 [9,663ms] [Warning] [omni.graph.core.plugin] Could not find category ‘Replicator:Annotators’ for removal
2024-09-30 04:35:07 [9,663ms] [Warning] [omni.graph.core.plugin] Could not find category ‘Replicator:Annotators’ for removal
2024-09-30 04:35:07 [9,663ms] [Warning] [omni.graph.core.plugin] Could not find category ‘Replicator:Annotators’ for removal
2024-09-30 04:35:07 [9,663ms] [Warning] [omni.graph.core.plugin] Could not find category ‘Replicator:Annotators’ for removal
2024-09-30 04:35:07 [9,663ms] [Warning] [omni.graph.core.plugin] Could not find category ‘Replicator:Annotators’ for removal
2024-09-30 04:35:07 [9,663ms] [Warning] [omni.graph.core.plugin] Could not find category ‘Replicator:Annotators’ for removal
2024-09-30 04:35:07 [9,663ms] [Warning] [omni.graph.core.plugin] Could not find category ‘Replicator:Annotators’ for removal
2024-09-30 04:35:07 [9,663ms] [Warning] [omni.graph.core.plugin] Could not find category ‘Replicator:Core’ for removal
2024-09-30 04:35:07 [9,791ms] [Warning] [carb] Recursive unloadAllPlugins() detected!

This basically happens with everything I try to run on the Reinforcement Learning section of the documentation. Even when I tried to run the tutorials it happens the same. It also shows me the warnings as above everytime when I start Isaac Sim such as, pxr.Semantics deprecated, Annotator already registered, pxr.OmniGraphSchema is deprecated etc. What could I possibly be doing wrong? Its been some days trying to fix this but nothing.
Is there any tutorial on how to properly install those two tools and experiment with the tutorials online?

My laptop is running on Ubuntu 22.04 with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 integrated GPU, 13th Gen Intel Core i9-13980HX x 32 cores, 32GB RAM, NVIDIA drivers version 560.35.03, CUDA Version12.6.

Please I would appreciate some help!

Hi @mateo.bode.4f

As the error describes, you need to replace the /PATH/TO/ with a real existing path to the generated checkpoint

1 Like

Now I understand it!
But I also have another question
After I verify if the installed packages on isaac lab have compatible dependencies with pip check I receive the following:
pip check
nvidia-srl-usd 0.14.0 requires usd-core, which is not installed.
nvidia-srl-usd-to-urdf 0.6.0 requires usd-core, which is not installed.
selenium 4.14.0 requires trio, which is not installed.
selenium 4.14.0 requires trio-websocket, which is not installed.
plotly 5.3.1 requires tenacity, which is not installed.
msal 1.23.0 requires pyjwt, which is not installed.
nvidia-srl-usd-to-urdf 0.6.0 has requirement lxml<5.0.0,>=4.9.2, but you have lxml 5.2.2.
aiobotocore 2.12.1 has requirement botocore<1.34.52,>=1.34.41, but you have botocore 1.34.68.
boto3 1.26.63 has requirement botocore<1.30.0,>=1.29.63, but you have botocore 1.34.68.

However I tried to manually install them using pip but then I got a lot of errors on Isaac sim and I was forced to remove everything and reinstall again. I even couldn’t find these packages on the list that NVIDIA provided
What should I do in this case? Should I igonre this? Will it affect my future work with Isaac Lab?

Hi @mateo.bode.4f

This should not be an issue and can be ignored