Isaac Sim - Possible to adjust synthetic visualizer annotator “Distance to Camera” color range?

Hi, I’m quite new to Isaac Sim and so far, have been using it for simple simulations using depth cameras. I have encountered something which I assume there’s a simple solution to, but I have yet to discover it after numerous hours. Let me explain:

I have reconstructed one of our offices in Isaac Sim and have input a depth camera into my scene. I want to get a simulated depth image of the virtual environment to compare to the depth image from the real camera. I am aware of the “Distance to Camera” annotator which will construct the depth image. However, the color range is too broad. In my image, it goes from dark blue (the closer the object is) to a slightly lighter blue (the further the object is). With the whole image basically one color, it is not a good representation of a depth image.

I would like to know if there are parameters that can be adjusted so this color gradient is less gradual? I would expect it to go from a deep blue, to green, to yellow, orange, and all the way to a dark red in the image. With our depth camera, the viewer has an adjustable color range for the depth image, so that the color gradient can appropriately represent the environment.

I’ve included 2 images. First is the “LDR color” display and “distance to camera” display of my scene in Isaac Sim. Second is an example image from our depth camera viewer.

Is it possible to adjust settings to get the Issac Sim depth image to have the full rainbow of colors like in the camera viewer?

Camera Viewer Depth Image

Hi there,

The viewer actually uses a temperature mapping, in order to view the differences, you would need to move further away to see the differences.

From the annotator’s info the distance is measured using a float32, and the unit for the distance is meters: (For example, if the object is 1000 units from the camera, and the meters_per_unit variable of the scene is 100, the distance to camera would be 10).

You can also change the meters per unit value in the LayerRoot LayerPropertyMeters Per Unit

Here are then the results with value 1 vs 10:

Thank you very much, that was exactly the information I was looking for.

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