Sorry but i cant install ros humble too , it is unable to locate the package ,any solution about this ?
Foxy seems to work but i am not sure about the results.
Yiep , i copy paste the response from the terminal.Its 100% ubuntu 22.04 .
It cant find the package , it has so many restrections in packages with arm64 i guess … maybe i need to use something like cmake again.
I asked because, as far as I know, Ubuntu 22.04 will be available with Jetpack 6 at the end of the year for ORIN platforms. You said you’re using Jetpack 35.0 but apparently it’s not in the Jetpack list (JetPack Archive | NVIDIA Developer). Did you mean either 35.2.1 or 35.3.1 (that are the only ones that support ORIN NX)? Those come with Ubuntu 20.04 though.
How did you flash it?
Lack of ROS2 Humble apt packages also points to Ubuntu 20.04, which needs you to compile it by sources. On the other hand, ROS2 Foxy packages are available.