RoadCast and rcLogger

DRIVE AGX Pegasus Developer Kit
DRIVE Software 10
Host Machine: Ubuntu 18.04
SDK 1.12

Just checking if somebody has some information related to RoadCast feature on DRIVE OS. I am interested on learning the format used to stream data over socket/file.

Based, on old posts it seems nvROS was available with Ubutun 16.04. Is there something similar or development tool to export DRIVE output data to ROS?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @jpvans,

RoadCast is part of Roadrunner. Please refer to “RoadCast: Save and Analyze Roadrunner Data” section (/usr/local/driveworks/doc/nvapp_html/rr_logs_intro.html on your host system) of its user guide.

For NvROS, we haven’t released it. What DRIVE output you want for ROS? Could you follow ROS/Tutorials/CreatingPackage - ROS Wiki to implement your own ROS packages with DriveWorks APIs for it?

Hi Again

Basically RoadCast output over the socket is binary right? and rcLogger can read that socket data and convert it to JSON format correct?

Is it possible we can learn the format/packet structure of the socket output from RoadCast? My intention is to get close as the NVIDIA Driver Perception output is to generate ROS publishers for additional vehicle control/HMI

I am interested on using NVIDIA Driver Perception Module and outputs to integrate with low level vehicle automation stack running on ROS.

So next question is:

  • Do you think is better to access the data using NVIDIA DriveWorks API instead of using the binary data of RoadCast?
  • How fast /real-time is the rcLogger output to be used on automation/ROS side of things?

Thanks and I really appreciate your clarification and support.

As we were moving this into offline discussion, I would stop replying here. Thanks!