Error while setting up NVIDIA Omniverse Replicator in EC2 instance

  • Hi Everyone I am trying to setup NVIDIA Omniverse Replicator in EC2 instance to generate synthetic data. I am using below steps as suggested in the instruction page.

But after I completed the first page successfully and as suggested till step 11. I started following the instruction in deploy to cloud. After Step 7 where is says Run the replicator with interactive Bash session using below command.
docker run --gpus all --entrypoint /bin/bash -it -v /PATH/TO/STORE/DATA/IN/INSTANCE:/_output/

After this I didn’t get any interactive session and started getting attached error. Can you please help !! Do let me know if any additional information required from my end.

I’m also having a very similar issue when connecting through ec2. Any help would be appreciated

It looks like you are trying to access of all this through SSH. This will not work. Omniverse is a visual system. It needs to be at least VNC in service mode. SSH does not have x server. It only works with --no-window, non-visual rendering

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